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Set up a connection to Box

Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service. The Box platform enables easy team collaboration.

Box documentation: API guide, Authentication

Important: You can't import a file to Box with this connector if a file with the same name already exists in the destination Box directory.

A. Set up a Box connection

Start establishing a connection to Box in either of the following ways:

  • From the Resources menu, select Connections. Then, click + Create connection at the top right.
        – or –
  • While working in a new or existing integration, you can add an application to a flow simply by clicking Add source or Add destination/lookup.

In the resulting Application list, click Box.


The Create connection pane then asks you to name the new connection.


Be sure to provide a clear and distinguishable Name as soon as the connection is created. Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection, and a unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting among a list of connections that you’ve created.

B. Configure your client ID and secret

At this point, you’re presented with the required settings for Box authentication.


Redirect URL (required/uneditable): Use this URL when configuring your Box app. Use the following steps to add the redirect URL to your Box app.

  1. Sign in to Box.
  2. Navigate to the Developer console.
  3. Click the app you created.
  4. Click the Configuration tab.
  5. In the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI section, click Add a URI.
  6. Paste the Redirect URL from
  7. Click Save changes in the upper right corner of the page.

iClient (required): Select the iClient pair that stores the client ID and client secret provided to you by Box. To add an iClient and configure your credentials, click the plus (+) button. Click the edit (Edit button) button to modify a selected iClient. Be sure to give the iClient a recognizable name for use in any other connections. Use the following steps to find your client ID and client secret.

  1. Sign in to Box.
  2. Navigate to the Developer console.
  3. Click the app you created.
  4. Click the Configuration tab.
  5. Copy your client ID and client secret from the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section.
  6. Paste these values in their respective iClient fields in

Configure scopes (required): Set the required Box scopes for your connection.

C. Edit advanced Box settings

Before continuing, you have the opportunity to provide additional configuration information, if needed, for the Box connection.

Borrow concurrency from (optional): Select another connection from the list....

NOTE: Selecting another app changes form...

Concurrency level (optional): Up to 25 allowed....

D. Save and authorize

Once you have configured the Box connection, you have a few options for continuing:

  • Test connection – click this button to verify that your new connection is free of errors
  • Save – click this button to test the connection, commit the new connection so that it will be available to all integrations for your account
  • Cancel – click to exit without saving any new changes

When you select Test connection, the connection is verified before continuing and the status is displayed in the Connection pane.

The new connection is now successfully added to your account. It will be applied to the current source or destination app, if you created it within a flow. Otherwise, you may proceed to register the connection with an integration.

Read more about this connector:


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  • Unfortunately this does not work, neither do the instructions provide the correct steps and/or information on how to get this setup.

    UPDATE: Was able to get to work, please note the following:

    -Create an App in Box, select User Authentication (OAuth 2.0) as the type of Custom App. This allows you to enter the redirect URI.

    -Make sure to Enable through your Admin Console in Box (Admin -> Apps-> Custom Apps Manager : Enable the app you created)

    -In Box, if you give the app full permissions in Configuration->Application Scopes, you cannot use Celigos "sign_requests.readwrite" option (this might be for something yet I have not dug into). Remove that, then authenticate in Celigo and it works

    -In Box, the "Make API calls using as-user headers" checked or unchecked under Advanced Features did not affect connection to Celigo

    -The "root" folder in Box for Directory Path in Celigos Box Setup is "All Files" (for me at least), to which you can then expand to your other folder (example : All Files/Test Files)



  • Thanks, Nicholas Keicher, for the update and for sharing your trial-and-error with other customers. We'll work on improving the Box configuration portion of this article, as well as adding export and import examples as time permits. 

  • This seems like a pretty limited connector at the moment. From what I can tell all it can do is create/update/view files in a text or spreadsheet format. I suppose that would allow for certain use cases like saving logging details to Box or using it as a source for a flow, but it doesn't help for building an actual integration with Box and other platforms. For now I will use the generic http endpoint but it would be great to get more robust support for this. 

  • Hi Noah Finn 

    Thank you for your feedback! We understand that the current Box connector focuses on file-related operations such as creating, updating, and viewing text or spreadsheet files, which can be helpful for use cases like logging or using Box as a data source.

    Expanding the connector's capabilities to support deeper integrations based on Box REST API is on our roadmap, and we’re committed to enhancing it soon. In the meantime, if specific Box API endpoints would better suit your needs, please let us know, we’d be happy to evaluate and consider them for prioritization.

    We appreciate your input and look forward to providing more robust solutions soon.
    Thank you!


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