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Shopify Error Code: value_lookup_failed, Error Message: 'A mapping error occurred. Could not find "XXXX" in the "Name" field of the record type "item".'

Data Flow: Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add

Error Code: value_lookup_failed

Error Message: 'A mapping error occurred. Could not find "XXXX" in the "Name" field of the record type "item".'

Reason: Item with the following SKU "XXXX" was not found in NetSuite.


1. In NetSuite, Navigate to Lists->Accounting->Items->New.
2. Create a new NetSuite Inventory item with “Name” field value as “XXXX” and Save.
3. Go to the dashboard and open the Error dialog of the job.
4. Select the Job and click Retry to re-run the Order Import flow successfully.

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