Our Shopify Fulfillment Export is not running/sending fulfillments to Shopify.
The customer is experiencing an issue where none of their fulfillments are exporting. They provided us with an example of a fulfillment that did not export. When we searched the script logs and the IO logs for the fulfillment export, we did not see any actions occur. However, we did see that the eTail Order Fulfillment Exported field was marked "T". Our, after completing a Fulfillment export, accesses the Fulfillment record and marks that box as "T" (checked). The fact that we did not see our IO run any fulfillments nor any script execution logs made us curious as to how that box was checked.
For further clarification, our scripts (IO) look for any Fulfillment that is a Shopify order that has the eTail Order Fulfillment Exported = "F". This is how our Integration App knows that the record requires exporting.
We asked the customer for another example, this time of a Sales Order that was NOT fulfilled but was ready to be fulfilled. We opened that Sales Order and clicked Fulfill. When we opened the NEW fulfillment record, we went to the eTail tab, and the eTail Order Fulfillment Exported was already checked "T".

We then went into the Sales Order, and to the eTail tab, and we have found that the eTail Order Fulfillment Exported field there was already marked "T", which carried over to the Item Fulfillment.
Upon seeing this, we went to the System Notes to review WHO set this, and from our review, it looks like a SuiteLet is setting this, but the curious part is that a user other than our Celigo log in was triggering it and the same user unselected the field via the UI:

When we determined that this was happening, we reached out to the customer to find out who this user was. Upon further investigating, it was determined that the customer had a Developer that had decided to use our field in his development, essentially rendering our Integration App useless because he was marking our field as "T".
Shoppify orders from Saturday at 3:58 PM not pushing in. Sales Ordes numbers 9617-9653. Problem started on Saturday at 3L58 PM. Please let me know the status of this ticket. May be a duplicate ticket, as there was a similar issue Ron and Stein spoke about last week.
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