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Importing a customer record with an existing Customer ID throwing an error


Order imports fail if a customer record with same ID already exists in NetSuite.

Order imports into NetSuite sometimes fail when customer records with same Customer IDs are already present in NetSuite. You may see the following error:

"Failed to add/update customer for order #1xx1. A customer record with this ID already exists. You must enter a unique customer ID for each record you create. To correct this record, click and enter a new customer ID in the Customer field."

In the following example, note the field CUSTOMER ID. If another customer comes with the same name, customer creation will fail.

This error occurs because the Auto ID feature in NetSuite is not enabled. Note that the customer name is used to to create the Customer ID. Any time a new customer comes with a name that already exists in NetSuite, customer creation will fail. To avoid such errors, please enable the Auto ID generation feature in NetSuite.

To set up auto-generated numbers in NetSuite, go to the link ‘Set up Auto-generated Numbers’ (or click and provide the necessary information.

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  • Our customer hierarchy is such that we cannot allow for auto-ID's, and so I compared the order details in this error to another order. I don't believe this is the only reason why this error occurs.

    In my investigation I found the errored order was missing a field which skewed the rest of the fields:

    isOrderOnDemand: true,

    I copied the errored order details into Notepad++ and inserted the missing field where it belongs. Then, I copied/pasted from Notepad++ into the errored order details overwriting the original, then reprocessed the order successfully.


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