Error Message: "Failed to add Shopify Order 'XXXX'Exported value is empty/undefined for the field:$shipping_lines_1.title" is being generated on order import.
Reason: The integrator app throws an error if an item does not require shipping since the field mapping for the Shipping Method is set to fail if a unique match is not found.
Resolution: A shipping line must be entered for the order. You can follow the steps below:
- Go to Flows > Order Import > select Field Mappings.
- Look for the shipping_lines_1.title and click the gear-like icon for field settings.
- Unmark the "Fail record" under the "Action to take if unique match not found". Instead, select the "Use custom default value" and set a default value that you want to use.
- Update the Lookup Table as needed when entering in new shipping lines.
1 comment
Is there a standard way to deal with this if you do not want to set it to a custom value for all missing matches?
A good example is digital gift cards. No shipping is required on these items, so I would want to pass a blank value. However, I do not want to set a blank value as the default for all cases where a shipping method match is not found, because that could genuinely be due to a missing or incorrect mapping that needs to be reviewed.
I could set a handlebar conditional statement to map a blank/null value to 'blank' and add that as a new mapping, but it seems like there should be a more standard approach for a common use case like a digital gift card.
Best, Mina
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