The NetSuite item shipments to Shopify fulfillments flow is a complete fulfillment flow that does fulfillments in Shopify. To identify the flow in your account, follow the steps in the Find deprecated endpoints in existing flows.
Before you update the NetSuite item shipments to Shopify fulfillments flow, download the zip file to your local drive.
Install and configure the custom flow by following the steps mentioned in the Install integration section and Configure integration section of the Install integration or download integration zip article.
You have two options to update the NetSuite item shipments to Shopify fulfillments flow, but we recommend using the first one:
- Option 1: In the newly installed flow, update all the mappings or other customizations or important configurations based on the old flow.
- Option 2: In the old flow, update the imports, exports, mappings, and any other flow configurations by referring to the newly installed flow.
If you have chosen to use Option 1 to update the flow, once all the mapping updates are done in the new flow based on the old flow, refer to the Last run details (run timestamp) of the old flow and use the Custom run in Run now setting to run the new flow for the first time so that the flow doesn't sync all the records again.
Once the Custom run is complete, click the Run now setting and close the window, and then schedule the new flow by referring to the old flow schedule details.
If you are using Option 2 to update the NetSuite item shipments to Shopify fulfillments flow, follow the below instructions:
- Log in to your account.
- In the Shopify - NetSuite template, go to the NetSuite item shipments to Shopify fulfillments flow.
- Open the fulfillment import mappings and take a copy of the existing mappings as the new changes would remove the old mappings. You can capture screenshots of the existing mappings or clone the flow so that the mappings and other components will be stored for future reference. For more information, see Clone integrations and flows.
- Follow the instructions from Steps 3 to 8, 13 to 14, and 16 to 18 in the section Create a new Fulfillment(Deprecated) to Creates a fulfillment for one or many fulfillment orders.
In the Move the location of fulfillment Order import, add an input filter as shown in the below screenshot.
On the Import Shopify fulfillments import, click the Mappings icon and use mapper 2.0 to configure the mappings provided in the table below.
Destination record fields
Source record fields
$.fulfillmentOrders[*].line_items[*].fulfillable_quantity -
In the Import Shopify fulfillments import, add an input filter to allow only the records with fulfillmentOrders length greater than zero.
On the Import Shopify fulfillments import, click the Mappings icon and add the response mapping to map id to fulifillid as shown in the screenshot.
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