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Investigate errors

The Celigo platform has several options that help you to gather information and troubleshoot errors.

At a high level, you can find cues or hints for troubleshooting errors in the following places:

  • Errors page: important details in the error fields; and, in the case of some connections, such as HTTP, Salesforce, and NetSuite, you can find request and response details also
  • Flow builder: details in the run console, run history, audit log, dashboard, diagnostics, and debug logs
  • Developer playground: details in the advanced field editor (AFE) for Handlebar helpers and script issues
Options to investigate errors

More specifically, these tools/options can sometimes provide insights to fix errors:

1. Error fields

The error fields provide important details of where (source) and when (timestamp) an error occurred. It also helps you to find out in which record the error occurred if you’ve set the trace key. Additionally, the classification indicates the type of error and provides cues on possible causes that you could fix. Based on these details, if you’ve got an understanding of what the error could be, you can quickly edit the retry data and test if the error is fixed. If the error has been fixed, you won't see it in the Open errors after your retry. That's great, but make sure you correct the data in the source record. 


2. Diagnostics

You can download the diagnostics as a ZIP file. In addition to information on export and import flows, the ZIP file also contains information on parent job, child job, and job errors. You can use any of the diagnostic files to share and examine configurations and investigate errors. Below are excerpts from two such files.


3. Audit log

The audit log records changes made by any user to an integration’s resources. These logs are retained for a year for compliance purposes, and they can also be used for troubleshooting. For example, if you find a new error caused by a missing value in a flow that had been running successfully, you can check when the error occurred in the Errors page, and then review the audit log to find out if any change caused the error.

If you suspect an issue in the product, raise a Support ticket or send an email to so that we can investigate the matter.


4. Advanced Field Editor

The Advanced Field Editor (AFE) shows any errors when you copy and paste your script. For example, if your script has a syntax error, then you can edit and debug the script before using it in the flow. For more information, see Advanced field editors AFEs and the Dev playground.
See also: FAQ on fixing JavaScript errors


5. Integration & flow analytics

The integration flow analytics allow you to view errors, successes, ignores, and average processing time per successful record over time as line charts. At a high level, the charts are useful to monitor the health of your flows and make it easy to view trends, forecast, and analyze flows through a time period. 

6. Debug logs (for HTTP connectors)

Debug logs are available when the Developer mode has been enabled. It shows communication between the Celigo platform and a flow step endpoint, including the HTTP requests and responses. These logs include details that could help in troubleshooting an error.

For more information, see Debug flow steps and Debug a connection. For example, the debug logs are helpful for a preSavePage hook script, if you want to view what’s happening as you’re manipulating, filtering, or grouping the records to ensure that each operation was yielding the expected result.


7. Run console/Run history

The Run console provides details of the current flow runs; whereas, the run history provides a list of previous flow runs. You can view the error count and other statistics in the Run console/Run history. You can switch between examining details on the Errors page and the details in Flow builder when you correct errors and retry them. Run details can help you to detect patterns or to compare and detect when an issue occurs. When a retry is completed successfully, you can view the error count change in the flow step or dashboards. However, the error count you see in the run history and the run console is based on errors that occur during the flow run; it is not updated afterward. You can download diagnostics from either the run history or the run console.

Note: For the latest error count after error retries, check the count for the individual step in Flow builder; the integration page (Flows tab); or dashboards. These error counts change dynamically based on the retries.

The Run history provides options to filter based on date range or status to study and examine patterns before you troubleshoot errors. For instance, for canceled flows, you can filter and view flows canceled by the system and investigate the causes.


8. Dashboard

You can view the account and the integration dashboards for a quick breakdown of errors with run details. When you click the Run number in any flow in the account or integration dashboard, the Run history opens to display the errors at the flow and flow-step level. You can filter the run history based on a date range or the status. The dashboards reflect the latest count of errors, and you can quickly drill down to the Errors page via Error count links.

You can view flow runs for the past 30 days or a custom data retention period.

For more information see Explore the integration dashboard.


See also, the Investigating errors for a flow video and tools and tips for analyzing specific types of errors.

Example approach

Your approach to investigating errors can include one or more of the options in the previous sections. It should be tailored to your use case and errors encountered, However, the following examples could help as you get started:

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  • What can cause these errors ?


  • 0
  • Sultan El Uteibi the error code indicates that it's a server-side error. In the export, it seems like we're not getting the required data from Magento 2. This perhaps could be a bug in Magento 2.
     Could you please try to replicate this export request in Postman? If it's successful and we're getting the data from Magento 2, then this could be a Celigo IA issue. You could raise a Support ticket so that we can investigate the matter. Thanks!


  • What can cause this error? 

  • Sam Eaton the field you mapped to "how to find existing records" on the import config is probably empty or null?

  • For the update operation, an internal ID must be provided. It's possible that the error occurred because we are unable to find the record in NetSuite based on the criteria.


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