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Set up and configure the Value-added network (VAN) connector - export and import

After you create a connection to the VAN (Value-added network), you can connect with trading partners, create a flow, export data, and import data. If you configure multiple flows, imports, or exports, the data is shared with the corresponding trading partner based on the unique AS2 ID.

Create a VAN connector listener (export)

The inbound VAN connection from ECGrid uses an AS2 connection, which requires an export listener to receive the inbound EDI data. Start creating and configuring a VAN connector webhook listener (export) in either of the following ways:

  • In, from the left menu, go to Resources > Exports. In the resulting Exports page, click Create export. For the application type, search and select VAN (Value-added network).

    - or -

  • In, from the left menu, go to Tools > Flow builder. On the Flow Builder page, click Add source to search and select VAN (Value-added network), and continue to create an export.


Name your export: Provide an export name. This will help you refer easily to other parts of the application.

Description: Enter a description for the export.

Connection: Select the specific previously created VAN connection to use for your export or import.

How would you like to parse files:

  • File type: Choose a file format. You can choose EDIX12 or EDIFACT.

  • File format: After you choose the file type, select the format to use with the selected file type.

  • File parser helper: uses the file definition rules to parse custom files. The file parser helper allows you to modify the template rules to solve more specific file parsing requirements. Within the editor, the rules panel allows you to describe how a custom file should be parsed into JSON records. Use the sample file and output panels to test your rules.

(Optional) To understand How would you like to group and sort records, see Sort and group records.

(Optional) Advanced

  • Page size: When an export runs in the context of a data flow (where the data from the export is sent right away to an import queue) breaks the data being exported into one or more smaller pages of records. Saying this another way, uses streaming to export data from one app and import it into another. Specify the number of records to include on each data page in the 'Page Size' field. If left blank, the default system value is 20. There is no max value, but a page of data will automatically get capped when it exceeds 5 MB. Most of the time, the application you import data into will bottleneck the page size value. For example, the API guides for NetSuite and Salesforce define the maximum number of records that can be submitted in any import request.

  • Do not retry data: Check this box if you do NOT want to store retry data for records that fail in your flow. Storing retry data can slow down your flow's overall performance if you are processing large numbers of records that are failing. Anyone accessing your flow’s dashboard can see stored retry data in clear text.

  • Data URI template: When your flow runs but has data errors, use this field to ensure that all the errors in your job dashboard have a link to the original data from the export application. This field uses a handlebars template to generate the dynamic links based on the data being exported.

  • Override trace key template: Define a trace key that will use to identify a unique record. Any value you provide overrides the default trace key for your app. You can specify a single field, such as {{record.field1}}, or use a handlebars expression. For example, {{join "_" record.field1 record.field2}} generates a trace key such as 123_456. Note: If you have applied a transformation to exported data, reference its fields in the trace key template without the path record. – for example, {{field1}}.

Once you have configured the export, click either:

  • Save: Click to save the export.

  • Save & close: Click to save the export and exit the export window.

  • Cancel: Click to exit without saving any new changes.

Additional export configurations

  • You can add transformation rules, output filters, and hooks to customize the export configuration.

  • You can add a content-based flow router (CBR) script to a hook. For a VAN connection, the script updates the flow ID and export ID to identify a specific export if the flow has multiple exports.

  • If you configure multiple flows, and one or more of those flows has multiple exports, uses the export ID to identify which flow and export to trigger when ECGrid sends data.

  • If you have multiple flows configured, you have to manually update the CBR script with custom rules to sync data appropriately between and trading partners.

Create a VAN connector import

The outbound VAN connection to ECGrid is using an AS2 connection, so an import is required to send the outbound EDI data. Start creating and configuring a VAN connector listener (export) in either of the following ways:

  • In, from the left menu, go to Resources > Imports. In the resulting Imports page, click Create import. For the application type, search and select VAN (Value-added network).

    – or –

  • In, from the left menu, go to Tools > Flow builder. On the Flow Builder page, click Add destination/lookup to search and select VAN (Value-added network) and continue to create an import.


Name your import: Provide an import name. This will help you refer easily to other parts of the application.

Description: Enter a description for the import.

Connection: Select the VAN connection you previously created. The specific connection you would like to use for your export or import.

One to many: Check this box if you have a single record that will be used to create multiple records. You would use this setting if, for example, your parent record contains child records you need to process. This setting cannot be used when importing a CSV file.

How would you like the records imported:

  • File type: Choose a file format. You can choose EDIX12 or EDIFACT.

  • File format: After you choose the file type, select the specific file format for the selected file type.

  • File name: Use this field to specify how the files being sent via AS2 should be named in the AS2 message header. You can type '{{{' to include a variable in your file name, such as timestamp, unique ID, and other AS2 metadata (consult the documentation for more details).

Configure HTTP headers: Sometimes it’s necessary to include custom HTTP headers with your API requests. As with the body field, any value from the connection or import models can be referenced using {{placeholders}} with a complete path matching either the connection or the required import field.

Message ID: Specify the format of a unique message identifier that can be automatically generated as part of the import and included in the AS2 message header. The field uses handlebars to access available variables. For example, {{dateFormat "ddMMyyyyHHmmssZ"-random@ connection.as2.as2Id _ connection.as2.partnerId.

Mock response: Enter mock response data when configuring imports instead of executing a call to retrieve live response data from an import step. The mock response data that you provide for an import applies only to that specific import, including its components such as mapping, transformation, and hooks. For more information, see Provide mock response data for imports.

(Optional) Advanced:

  • Compress files: Check this box to compress files before they are posted to the import application. When checked, a new list appears for you to choose the compression format.

  • Max retries: Set the number of times will retry sending an EDI message when an AS2 returns an error response. By default, message failures are not retried.

Once you have configured the import, click either:

  • Save: Click to save the export.

  • Save & close: Click to save the export and exit the export window.

  • Cancel: Click to exit without saving any new changes.


Prerequisite: After you create the flow, export, and import, you can’t run the flow unless you configure your ECGrid account.

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