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Push a resource to the API manager

This is a quickstart guide on pushing a resource to the API manager. The content is for API developers and product managers who want to create and publish APIs for internal or external consumption. If you want to use a published API, see API consumers.

Before you begin, learn about the benefits of API management and review the Best practices for API management guide.

You can push any export, lookup, import, My API, or webhook listener from the Celigo platform to the APIM console. Below is a basic diagram of configuring your API in

Create an manage your APIs-Configure in IO.drawio.svg


  • We recommend that you clone your resource (export or import ) using Actions (...) and add a note to your resource title (ex. “DO NOT MODIFY – Used in APIM”). This helps you track which resources are used in APIM and prevents users from changing an existing resource that uses APIM.

  • Before pushing to the API manager, ensure the resource’s connection is online. The push will fail if you don’t have a working connection.

  • In most cases, will automatically create an OpenAPI specification; however, you must update and publish your API documentation in the API manager before it's fully available.

  1. Navigate to Resources and select your resource type.

  2. Find your resource, click Actions (...) →Push to APIM.

  3. A new pane will appear so you can configure your API.

  4. Click Create a new API in manager or Add to existing API in manager.

  5. Gateway URL (dynamic, non-editable field): a preview of the Gateway URL. It’s a combination of the <Base URI> + <Gateway context path> + <Endpoint>. It will adjust dynamically based on the other fields.

  6. Context path (required): Unique identifier for the API in your manager. This field must be unique if you’re creating a new API since it will hold all endpoints related to the API. For example, if you’re creating a connection to SpaceX, your Gateway context path would be /spacex.

  7. Operation (required): This dropdown field allows you to choose which operation you’d like to perform. For exports, the GET operation is automatically generated. There are several operations, but Celigo's APIM supports:

    1. GET

    2. POST

    3. PUT

    4. DELETE

  8. Endpoint (required when adding to an existing API): Enter an endpoint. This describes the specific endpoint you’re retrieving. For example, if your API is /spacex and your export calls a list of all rockets, your endpoint would be rockets . This will appear under Design → Flows in the API manager.

  9. Click Push to APIM.

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