A functional acknowledgement is a receipt issued by the receiver in response to a transaction sent by a trading partner. This receipt provides the sender (trading partner) with confirmation that their transaction, sent via integrator.io, has been received. The main purpose of the functional acknowledgement (EDI transaction 997) is to reliably confirm the integrity and successful delivery of EDI transactions between trading partners.
A functional acknowledgement includes details such as:
Sender and receiver identification
Control numbers
Date and time of receipt
The Status code indicates the transmission's outcome, which can vary depending on the EDI standards, such as ANSI X12 or EDIFACT.
Once the EDI file sent by the trading partner is verified against the file definition rules during export, the verification result must be used as input for import processing. This process generates and sends the Functional Acknowledgement (FA) back to the originator of the EDI file.
ISA*01*0000000000*01*0000000000*ZZ*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO*ZZ*123456789012345*101127*1719*U*00400*000003438*0*P*>~ GS*FA*4405197800*999999999*20111206*1045*49*X*004060~ ST*997*0008*3~ AK1*AA*49*001000~ AK2*100*001*REFNO~ AK3*BEG*01*1*1~ AK4*3*02*1*1~ AK5*A*1*2*1*2*4~ AK9*A*1*2*3*2*1*3*2*4~ SE*31*0008~ GE*1*49~ IEA*1*000000049~
In your integrator.io account, from the respective EDI integration tile, click + Create flow.
The flow should be created in the same EDI integration that includes the EDI flows.
On the new flow page, below Sources, click Add source.
In the Application field, enter integrator.io.
From the search results, in the Connectors list, select Celigo integrator.io.
On the Create source window, in the What would you like to do? drop-down menu, select Listen for real-time data from source application.
Click Create flow step.
On the Create listener window, provide a Name and Description.
Below the Generate URL & sample data section, next to the Public URL field, click + to generate the URL.
Once the public URL is generated, click Save & close.
On the new flow page, below Destination & Lookups, click Add destination/lookup.
On the destination side, you can configure the appropriate trading partner. For more information, see EDI trading partners.
After you configure the source and destination, see the sample image.
In the EDI generator helper, add "documentType": "997"
in the file definition rules for the FA status column in the Dashboard - EDI Activity to be updated.
In your integrator.io account, from the respective integration tile, select an EDI flow for which you wish to send a functional acknowledgement.
Click on the flow to edit the export.
On the Edit export window, below How would you like to parse files? section, check the Send functional acknowledgement box.
From the Select listener for functional acknowledgement * drop-down menu, select the listener you created in the previous step.
Note: In the Select listener for functional acknowledgement * drop-down menu, you will find the listeners from the flows related to that specific integration.
Click Save & close.
After the above configuration is saved, enable the custom flow.
In integrator.io, from the left menu, click Dashboard.
In the EDI activity tab, you will find the functional acknowledgement status.
For more information, see Understand the Dashboard - EDI activity.
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