Before you uninstall the template, you have to uninstall the individual flow. Only the owner of the account can uninstall the template.
The following are removed from your template tile:
All the backend data, mapping details, customizations, and details of established connections with endpoints.
The template tile is deleted, hence all the details of values set on the Settings will be deleted.
In NetSuite,
All saved searches are removed. The uninstall action deletes all the saved search records created at the time of template installation.
NetSuite record becomes inactive. When you uninstall the template, in NetSuite below Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and on the template-related customer records, the appropriate entries are marked inactive.
It is not required to uninstall the NetSuite bundles while uninstalling the template. Uninstalling the template from only removes the components that reside inside your account. Before you remove the NetSuite bundles from your account, you should know this action would wipe off any custom fields, custom records, reports, locked saved searches, and scripts that are part of the bundle. Any data associated with these components also get wiped off from NetSuite. So it's super important you or your account admin have a migration plan in place prior. This could be either running a mass update script to migrate data into a separate set of fields or deciding that you no longer need this data.
The flows must be disabled.
To delete the template, you must delete all your flows.
Sign in to your account.
Click on the appropriate integration tile.
Navigate to Flows.
Next to the appropriate flow, click Actions.
From the dropdown options, select Delete flow.
On the confirmation window, click Yes.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 for all the integration flows.
When you uninstall a template, it removes all components, including the integration tile (tile view) or row (list view), from your account. After uninstalling you can re-install from the marketplace as long as you have a valid subscription. Be very certain that you want to uninstall as this action cannot be undone.
Sign in to your account.
Click on the appropriate tile you wish to delete. Ensure all the individual flows are deleted.
On the top-right corner, click Delete integration.
On the confirmation window, click Delete.
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