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Understand the Salesforce - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central template settings

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Click on the Salesforce - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central template tile.

  3. Go to Settings > General.

  4. Click to expand Company information, the below settings are read-only and display the values that you’ve configured while installing the template:

    1. Environment: This setting displays the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central environment that you provided while installing the template.

    2. Tenant ID: This setting is useful for configuring dynamic lookups in mappings. It displays the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tenant ID assigned to the environment configured while installing the template.

    3. Company: This setting displays the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central company name that you entered while installing the template.

  5. Click to expand Product Discovery

  6. In the Unique key for an item in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central setting, select the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central field that holds a unique key for each item. The unique key should have matching values in Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. 

  7. In the Unique key for a product in Salesforce setting, select the Salesforce field that holds a unique key for each product. The unique key should have matching values in Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. In this setting, the best practice is to selectProduct Code option.

  8. Click Save.

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