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Integrate data through firewall with Windows on-premise agent

Minimum system requirements

  • Windows version: Windows 7 or later

  • RAM: 2 GB (Minimum), 4 GB (Recommended)

  • 2 CPU cores

Download and install the agent software

  1. Navigate to Resources → Agents.

  2. Click + Create agent.

  3. Name your agent and add a description.

  4. Click Save. Your agent now appears on the list.

  5. From the Install column, click the Download option and choose the operating system (Windows).

  6. After the download, install and open the agent software.

Install the agent

If you downloaded the agent on the target computer, open the agent’s setup file, agent-windows.exe, from your browser and install it.

Otherwise, copy the downloaded file to the server, and double-click to launch setup.


Review the requirements before starting an installation to upgrade the agent. If you’re on agent version 3.0.10 or above you do not need to update your agent manually.

The setup prompts you to choose installation options:

  1. Select whether to install the agent Only for me (Administrator) or for Anyone who uses this computer (all users) in the currently logged-in profile.

    1. Only for me – accessible to only one user

    2. All users – any user can run the service, but only one user should run it at a time.


      If you select All users, administrative privileges are not automatically assigned and the auto-upgrade feature will not work. Add admin privileges manually as follows:

      1. Stop the service if it's running.

      2. Right-click Celigo Agent in your Windows Services app.

      3. Click Properties → Log on.

      4. Click This account, write in Administrator as the username, and enter the administrator password.

      5. Restart the agent service.

  2. Click Install.

  3. Give Windows permission to trust the downloaded executable and proceed.

  4. In the Completing Agent Setup window, ensure that Run agent is checked. Then, click Finish.

The Agent shortcut is added to your desktop and Windows programs, and the software opens to ask you for an token.

Enter agent token

An access token secures communication between the agent and Your agent token is automatically generated when you create the agent. To find the token:

  1. Return to and navigate to ResourcesAgents.

  2. In the list of agents, click Show token.

  3. Click Copy (copy.svg​​) next to the unmasked access token to copy it to your clipboard.

  • In the agent software, enter the access token. The agent will automatically start communicating with


The agent should now be online. You may have to refresh the page to validate that it’s online.

image idm45220717887616

If your token is compromised, you can generate a new token:

  1. In, navigate to Resources → Agents.

  2. Click Actions → Generate token.

This will automatically revoke the old token, so you must enter the new one.

Not required: Run the agent as a Windows service

If you’ve followed the steps up to this point, the agent is running as a standard Windows executable. You can configure it to run as a Windows service instead to take advantage of the following benefits:

  • The agent will run silently and continuously after installation and each time the system starts up

  • The agent will run regardless of which user account is logged on

  • As a service, the agent can be managed and monitored from remote systems

To run the agent as a Windows service:

  1. Double-click the Agent shortcut on your desktop.

    Celigo agent icon
  2. Choose Install service.

  3. The agent will confirm the successful installation.

  4. Click OK to dismiss the user interface.

  5. Your system must restart to run the agent as a service.


The agent will automatically launch as a Windows service once the system restarts. However, you can choose to launch it right away. To launch it immediately:

  1. Double-click the Agent shortcut on your desktop.

  2. Click Close.

  3. Click Stop to stop it from running in the background.

  4. In Windows, search for the Services application.

  5. From the list of services, find Celigo agent.

  6. Right-click the service and click Start to run it right away.

Agent as service 2 (1).gif

If you later decide that you prefer to run it as an executable, in the taskbar or in the background, double-click the Agent shortcut and click Uninstall service.


Set up your connection

  1. Create a connection in from Resources → Connections or by adding a new Source or Destination app in Flow builder.

  2. For the Mode, choose On-premise (the default is Cloud).

  3. Choose your Agent from the drop-down list.


When creating an connection that uses an on-premise agent, your settings will depend on whether the agent is installed on the same server as the application or database.

  • Same server – set the Base URI to localhost or

  • Different servers on the same network – Set the Base URI to the hostname or IP address of the system the application or database is running on.

You can run only one instance of an agent on a machine. However, the same agent can be used to talk to multiple databases and applications on the same network as the agent.

For example, if you’re running SQL on two virtual machines (VM1 and VM2) and you’ve installed an agent on VM1, your agent can access every SQL database on the same machine and any applications in the same network. Say you have an HTTP application running on VM2 and you want to create a connection. You can use the existing agent for that connection since VM1 and VM2 are on the same network.

So, as long as VM1 and VM2 are on the same network, you can access any application on both machines.

Exports and imports

Exports and imports that leverage a connection through an on-premise agent do not need any special configuration, since the agent configuration is fully contained within the connection settings. Once the connection is established, you can build flows and integrations as normal.

FAQs and troubleshooting

Agent setup and configuration tips

How many instances of an agent can I set up?

You can run only one instance of the agent on a machine. However, the same agent can be used to allow to talk to multiple databases and applications on the same network as the agent.

Does the on-premise agent need to be installed on the same machine as the system to be integrated?

Typically, agents can be installed on any machine within the same network as the server running the system to be integrated. However, there can be exceptions such as when setting up a JDBC connection.

How can I reopen the agent window and make changes, after it’s set to run in the background?

Celigo agent icon Most agent installations choose to Run in background, in which case the program, On-Premise Agent –, is not visible in the Windows taskbar. To restore the agent user interface and make changes or view activity logs, double-click the program’s shortcut.


How can I keep my agent from stopping unexpectedly?

To stop your agent from closing unexpectedly, use a small and dedicated Windows server, then run the agent in the background. We recommend you don't use that machine for anything else, though you technically can.

Which IP addresses does the agent use to communicate with

The agent uses several IP addresses to communicate with If you need to open up outbound traffic for an agent running in your environment:

  • Whitelist the IP addresses for the U.S. or the EU for the HTTPS protocol.

  • Whitelist the agent-extension server IP addresses for the U.S. or the EU for the SSH protocol.

Audit logs

To view activity logs, double-click the program’s shortcut and click View logs in the desktop application, or you can browse the folder C:\users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Agent.


Clone agents in sandbox and production environments

If the integrated sandbox and production systems are on the same network, then the best approach is to use the same on-premise agent for connections to both sandbox and production systems. If you choose to use separate agents for each environment, remember that they must be installed on different machines.

EPERM: Uncaught exception while uninstalling agent service

After uninstalling the agent service, you may get an uncaught exception error. The error will include Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink.

To uninstall the agent service after receiving this error, click Uninstall service again.

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Date Votes
  • Can you provide instructions on how to install this agent software on linux machine using command line. One of our use cases involves installing on a server with no UI access. Command line is the only option - can you provide any details?

  • How can you run the agent as a service?

  • I can answer both Rahul's and Damon's questions, based upon conversations I've had with support as of a couple months ago:

    Rahul: Linux support is in Beta, and not currently supported specifically because it is a GUI app, not a command line app. There is no command line support.

    Damon: Probably for a similar reason to the above, it's not currently supported to run the agent as a service.

    ... the agent appears to be intended to support development from your local machine, where you can restart at will, rather than used in production to circumvent firewall restrictions. I have found it to be only semi-reliable. Thankfully, I only need it for development purposes - in roughly 4 months, it's had to be restarted roughly twice.

    In any event, to make this work *best* you'll need a windows machine with network access to the resource you're trying to connect to, and you'll need login access to that machine to be able to restart if it goes down.

    I know that Celigo is actively working on many areas of their system, this may be one of them, so I suggest opening a new ticket with support or otherwise talking to your rep about what they're working on here if you need a better solution.

  • Appears Microsoft believes this agent download is malicious now. 

  • Thanks, Damon Betlow. I'm glad you brought it to our attention (in-house we install agents regularly and skip past that warning along with the OS permission prompts on subsequent tests).

    We're currently in the process of adding a higher code-signing certificate, so that Windows Defender will trust agent-windows.exe. Bottom line: if you've downloaded it directly from, you're safe. 

  • Where can I find the minimum machine requirements for running an Agent as a Service?  We are planning to run this on a Windows virtual machine and want to allocate appropriate resources.  

  • Hi, Sikich NetSuiteDev. I hope this broad guideline answers your question:

    It's also very easy to install if you want to analyze the processing usage. 

  • I see the limitation of this connector even though I connected the database, but have no option other than write the SQL query, will I also need to write query for INSERT, UPSERT and DELETE operations?


  • Hi Akber Ali

    I'm not sure which connector you're referring to. Can you please clarify? Thanks! 


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