Use default customer name on Amazon FBA orders to workaround Amazon PII restriction



  • Ryan Clark

    In one paragraph it says "With this policy in effect, Amazon will not share the buyer's name, address, and phone number for FBA orders with any API. This information will also not be available in the Amazon Seller Central account."

    In the next it says "As Amazon sends unique email, city, and state value, you can track this information with this approach."

    We must have address information because we have sales tax obligations on our Amazon transactions. In the first paragraph it says no address information will be made available for any FBA orders, but in the second it says "Amazon sends, and state value...". These seem to be contradictory -- are they? I hope the second is true, and that we can somehow map at least city and state in to be able to perform our sales tax compliance. Can you please elaborate further?

  • Natasha Krawczyk

    I have to say I completely agree with the above comment made by Ryan Clark. The info provided by yourselves is contradicting.

  • Mike Cavell

    Ryan - either they have made a change or maybe I read this wrong but from what I can tell you will still get the "fake" unique email (the one amazon gives us already) the city and the state. They do not say they will not get the address itself but the Adressee name which is basically and attention name. Example:
    Fake Company
    ATTN: John Q
    123 Fake Street
    Anytown, State, 55555

    We would not get the "Fake Company" or "Attn John Q"

    This is my understanding of this reading and some Amazon Forums

  • Arin Schultz

    My understanding is that they won't share the Address Line 1 either, so no "123 Fake Street." This is according to the Celigo email which is slightly different from what's written on this page.

    "Amazon will not share the buyer's name, addressee name, addressee line 1 and phone number for FBA orders with any API nor in the Amazon Seller Central account UI."

  • Mike Cavell

    Jeffrey - I just received that email from them as well. This will raise tax issues in states like California where the zip code and city are not enough as they get very granular with their tax codes. Not certain how to get around this. Eventually Amazon will be forced to handle the taxes in all 50 states but in the meantime this could cause some issues.


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