FAQ: Edit reference fields and related lists



  • Christian Wollschläger

    Dear Gogula,

    as of this article the "Listener: Setting: Referenced Fields" is editable, which is not the case for us. We already reinstalled the integration, but still same.

    Do you have any hint on how to make it writeable, so we can adjust the values.


    Thank you in advance.

  • Laya Kodam

    Hello Christian,

    There's a checkbox on the Integration App, "Sync account with opportunity" in Settings > Opportunity. To stop the account sync in the “Salesforce opportunity to NetSuite sales order” flow, you have to uncheck this setting. For more information, refer https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051280871-Salesforce-NetSuite-IO-release-notes-v1-7-0-October-2020 and https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052367672-Understand-Opportunity-related-Settings

  • Christian Wollschläger

    Hi Laya,


    Thank you for the input, found the setting from your linked articles.

    May I conclude this article here is not outdated / not relevant anymore?

    And I found a way to edit the referenced fields, related lists for the listener. For custom flows it would be as described above, but by using the integration app Salesforce / Netsuite, when you click on Listener these areas are greyed out and can not be edited. The article should be updated, here the way to get there: Within the integration app, click flows, select the object like "Account" and then on the setting gear for the flow you want to adjust. Within that dialogue you can then add additional reference field or sublists.


    Best Christian

  • Laya Kodam

    Hello Christian

    I've updated the article to reflect the changes you mentioned and added another FAQ article for "Stop account sync in the Salesforce opportunity to NetSuite sales order flow".




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