A new setting “Select active Magento 2 stores” is introduced in the General tab of the integration app. This setting allows you to filter the orders, customers, products, websites, stores, store views, and images specific to the selected active stores.
In the “Map Magento Websites/Customer Groups with NetSuite Price Levels” setting, the websites, customer groups, and price levels are listed only for the selected stores.
In the “Magento Order Id(s)” setting, only the orders that are specific to the selected stores are picked for the on-demand sync.
In the “Select Tax Inclusive Stores” setting, only the stores selected in the “Select active Magento2 stores” setting is listed.
In the Product > Advanced Settings, if you check the “Import attributes values for All Store Views” box, the attributes are synced for all the stores, irrespective of the stores selected in the setting.
For existing installs, when you update the bundle in NetSuite, all the stores in this setting are selected by default.
For new installs, select at least one store from the setting to enable and run the flows successfully.
If you do not select at least one store in the “Select active Magento 2 stores” setting, an error message is displayed.
When you sync an order to NetSuite, in the Advanced Settings - Order tab, the “NetSuite item to track Magento store credits as a line item” option now lists the payment type items along with the non-inventory items. When you select the payment type item from the drop-down list, in the NetSuite sales order, the payment type item is displayed as a separate line item. This is to ensure that if any cart level discount is applied for a sales order, the same discount is not calculated on the payment type item.
In NetSuite, tax or discounts are not calculated for the payment type line item.
A new property “'deleteResourcesInParallel” is added to the source code to uninstall the integration app. You can now uninstall the integration app even if the “Run this flow after the "NetSuite Item to Magento Product" flow” box is checked for the “NetSuite Matrix Item to Magento Configurable Product Add/Update” and “NetSuite Kit Item to Magento Bundle Product Add/Update” flows.
You can now create a cash sale from a sales order even if the tax amount is 0.
In the “Bring Magento line-level discounts into NetSuite as” setting, when you select the “New line below the original line (recommended)” option, the discount item is now added as a new line below the original line without impacting other items that do not have any discount applied.
The inventory flows are enhanced to support the multi-source inventory feature. You can now map NetSuite locations to corresponding Magento sources. The mapping is supported only in the following ways:
If all your NetSuite locations should map to a single source in Magento, in the Use Custom Default Value option, select the Magento source from the "Default Lookup Value" drop-down list.
One to one : one NetSuite location to one Magento source, or
Many to one : multiple NetSuite locations (as a group) to one Magento source.
For more information, refer to Support multi-source inventory .
“NetSuite item to track Magento gift card redemption as a line item” option now lists payment type items
When you sync an order to NetSuite, in the Advanced Settings - Order tab, the NetSuite item to track Magento gift card redemption as a line item option now lists the payment type items along with the non-inventory items. When you select the payment type item from the drop-down list, in the NetSuite sales order, the payment type item is displayed as a separate line item. This is to ensure that if any cart level discount is applied for a sales order, the same discount is not calculated on the payment type item.
In NetSuite, tax or discounts are not calculated for the payment type line item.
For the Magento v2.2.8 and v2.3.1 instances, the “NetSuite Item Image to Magento 2 Product Image” flow now exports the images successfully.
The “Magento Order to NetSuite Order” flow now imports the correct item rates (even in the case of decimal numbers) to NetSuite without any variance as shown in the Magento order.
When your order has a closed line item with a discount and you either run the “NetSuite Order to NetSuite Cash Sale” flow or “NetSuite Order to NetSuite Invoice ” flow, the cash sale record or invoice is now created successfully in NetSuite without any error message.
The check box is selected by default for new installations.
The Run this flow after the "NetSuite Item to Magento Product” flow check box is on the Settings page for the "NetSuite Matrix Item to Magento Configurable Product" flow and the "NetSuite Kit item to Magento bundle product" flow." For the Matrix/Kit flow to sync the matrix/kit items correctly in Magento, it is mandatory that you should first sync its child items as simple items to Magento. The details of the simple items synced are stored in Celigo Magento 2 Item Id Map that lets the connector define the correct mapping. When you select this check box, it ensures that you run the Matrix/Kit flow only after running the simple items flow. Thus reducing the time and errors that occur.
If you manually edit the field mapping for “product price” at the flow level, the preference is given to this mapping and the connector overrides the sales price. This mapping also overrides the product’s sales price mentioned at the tier pricing level.
To add the gift card and store credit as separate line items in NetSuite, the “giftCardAmount” and “storecredit amount” field mappings are now handled in the back end.
If you are using any node other than the Magento2 provided default node, it is recommended that you manually map:
Magento2 Field |
NetSuite Field |
For Gift Cards |
extension_attributes.gift_cards_amount |
giftCardAmountTemp |
For Store Credits |
extension_attributes.customer_balance_amount |
storeCreditAmount |
For the “Magento Order to NetSuite Order” flow:
Tax is no longer calculated on item prices that are zero. The correct item price will be displayed even if a line-level discount is applied.
If the item price is $39.99 with a line-level discount as $39.99, the tax was calculated for the line-level discount amount and the item price was shown as $7.60 (19% tax), instead of $0.
The tax is now correctly calculated for orders with multiple cart-level discounts and only one line-level discount. The discount amounts for this order will now be accurately calculated.
For a guest customer with the same billing address and shipping address, the address is now mentioned only once in the NetSuite customer record.
We now support up to 300 different product attribute sets for Magento. You can use these attribute sets to sync NetSuite items, kit items, or matrix items to Magento.
For the shipping or billing address present in a mapping screen, we now concatenate the first name and the last name of the addressee. Prior to this release, only the first name was mapped.
You can now select one or more Magento stores that already include taxes in the product price. To perform the selection, you can go to Settings > General > Select Tax Inclusive Stores .
Notes :
On the Mapping screen of the Magento Order to NetSuite Order Add flow, you must map items[*].original_price (Magento) to Items:Price (NetSuite).
If you are using Shipping Cost as a line item and the Shipping Cost for the selected store(s) also includes the Shipping Tax, use the following handlebar expression on the Mapping screen to map Items:Price (NetSuite).
{{#compare items[*].celigo_line_item_type_id "==" "Celigo_ShippingItem"}} {{subtract items[*].original_price items[*].tax_amount}} {{else}} {{items[*].original_price}}{{/compare}} |
You can now configure the Batch Size Limit for flows under Settings > Integration Flows > Product > [Click the Settings icon of the flow] . By default, the Batch Size Limit is set to 200 records.
For performance improvements, the below-mentioned columns are removed from Saved Searches mentioned below or from the Custom Saved Searches that you are using currently. However, you will be able to see these columns on the Mapping screen.
The following columns are removed from the Celigo Magento 2 Item Export Search Saved Search.
Pricing Qty
Pricing Price
Pricing Level
Website Id
Category Id
The following columns are removed from the Celigo Magento 2 Matrix Item Export Search Saved Search.
Website Id
Category Id
The following columns are removed from the Celigo Magento 2 Kit Item Export Search Saved Search.
Pricing Qty
Pricing Price
Pricing Level
Component Sku
Component Qty
Component Description
Component Name
Website Id
Category Ids
In addition, two filter changes in the saved searches mentioned above:
pricing.internalId will be using to default pricing level.
pricing.minimum_quantity is set to 0.
The above-mentioned changes will be automatically reflecting in the Saved Searches (Item Export Flows) that you are using currently. However, if you wish to modify or change the Saved Searches in the near future, you will have to remove the columns and apply the filters manually. This will improve the performance of your Saved Search.
When you assign a NULL/Empty value to any of the fields in NetSuite, the NULL/Empty value is synced to Magento as well. Earlier NULL/Empty values were not synced to Magento.
Improved error message for SKUs that contain a slash in their name.
A new tab, Discount, consisting of the new fields has been added in Order > Advanced Setting. These settings will allow y ou to configure the way you want the discount to be imported into NetSuite.
The advanced setting Bring Magento cart level discounts into NetSuite as drop-down list enables you to import cart level discount in the following ways:
Coupon Code
Discount item (Recommended)
The Bring Magento line level discounts into NetSuite as drop-down list enables you to import line (Item) level discount at order line-level in NetSuite in the following ways:
A new discount line below the original line (recommended)
Adjustments to listed price
For more information see, Importing Magento order discount in NetSuite.
Prior to this enhancement, you had the option to configure (Add, Delete, and Modify) default as well as new mappings in the connector for all flows. Celigo provides few default mappings which are mandatory for a flow to function. We have observed that some time while configuring mappings pertaining to a flow, users were configuring few default mappings in a way that was breaking their connector to function appropriately.
With this release, new functionality has been introduced into the mappings window for all flows. This new feature helps you in easily identifying all mission-critical mappings associated with a flow. The intent of this functionality is to make the mapping window more intuitive and the Shopify connector more advanced by adding restrictions. The restriction is in form of locked mappings. A lock icon will now appear in mappings for both the Export Field (Webhook) and Import Field (NetSuite) fields. The Lock icon in a field signifies that it is not editable.
The restriction for modifying mappings is mainly of the following types:
In this restriction, both the Export Field (Webhook) and Import Field (NetSuite) fields of a mapping are locked and the Settings option is also non-editable. In this case, the connector completely restricts you from making any modifications into the critical mappings as any such modifications may impact the capability of the Shopify connector.
In this restriction, only the Import Field (NetSuite) field of a mapping is locked. In this case, the connector allows you to modify the Export Field (Webhook) and the Settings option. This is done to restrict you from making any modifications in Import Field (NetSuite) field for the critical mappings as any such modifications may impact the capability of the Shopify connector.
{{img class=screenshot-frame id=3}}
Support to create pricing tiers in Magento using Magento websites, Magento customer groups, and NetSuite price levels
If you have setup quantity pricing for your SKUs in NetSuite, the setting, Map Magento Websites/Customer Groups with NetSuite Price Levels , has been enhanced in the connector to allow you to support default price levels.
You can provide the mapping between Magento websites, Magento customer groups, and NetSuite price levels to create pricing tiers on a Magento SKU. Depending on how you want to add this information in Magento, each row could be a unique combination of a website, customer group and price level or each row can have a single default website.
When you do not select any Default Price Level then the connector will apply the default price from the NetSuite price level for syncing product price drop-down list.
If you select Default Price Level as “ Yes ” for a single website and not for another website, the connector processes prices according to the default price level selected for that website. For other websites, the connector will consider default from the NetSuite price level for syncing product price drop-down list.
If you select Default Price Level as “ Yes ” for each website, the connector will process prices according to respective websites and their price levels.
When you select two default price for a single website, the connector will generate an error.
This enhancement is only supported by Magento's 2.2.2 or higher versions. If you are using a Magento account that is compatible with this feature, the connector will enable you to upload images of size more than 5 MB. Else, you can still use the prior functionality and upload upto 2 MB of images.
Prior to this release, we were recommending all users to keep the image size in NetSuite below 2 MB as Magento 2 accepts images only in the base64 format and the connector only supported exporting images of less than 5MB. When the Image export flow was executed, the connector converted the NetSuite image into the base 64 format. To handle this issue, we recommended keeping the image size in NetSuite below 2 MB as the size of the image after this conversion differs from the original size.
With this release, the above-mentioned restriction has now been lifted. With the compatible version of Magento, you can now also import images even more than 5 MB. There is no higher limit on the image size, but the only constraint is for your Magento account to download the image from the other system within five minutes. This enhancement is only compatible with Magento 2.2.2 version or higher.
For more information about image export, see NetSuite Item Image to Magento 2 Product Image Add/Update.
Prior to this release, the Map Customer Group With Netsuite Price Level setting in the Product section allowed you to only map the Magento 2 customer groups(group ids) to NetSuite price levels(internal ids) for exporting qty based pricing in NetSuite to Magento 2 tier price levels. The filter for using the Magento website was not available in this release.
With this release, the name of this setting has been updated as Map Magento Websites/Customer Groups with NetSuite Price Levels. If you have set up quantity pricing for your SKUs in NetSuite, this setting allows exporting the quantity pricing in NetSuite as tier pricing in Magento.
You can provide the mappings between Magento websites, Magento customer groups, and NetSuite price levels for creating pricing tiers on a Magento SKU. Depending on how you want to add this info in Magento, each row could be a unique combination of a website, customer group, and price level or each row can have a single default website.
A new tab, Tax in the General section, has been added which contains new fields.
These fields enable you to specify your preference for mapping tax totals between NetSuite and Magento 2. The primary field, How would you like to bring sales tax into NetSuite, consist of the following option:
Overwrite taxes with Magento 2 tax amounts
NetSuite calculates taxes using its own tax engine
Add total tax against a single line item on the order
To know more in detail about these settings and the feature, see Handling order taxes in NetSuite .
A new checkbox, Add all orders against the default NetSuite customer, has been added to the Advanced Settings of the Order section. Select this checkbox to assign a default NetSuite customer record to all the incoming orders. The customer record provided in the Default NetSuite customer for Magento guest orders field is assigned to all orders.
To support this feature, the Product integration flows have been enhanced to accommodate creating virtual variation items. This feature allows you to leverage the virtual variation functionality to setup a parent-child relationship between the Inventory (Matrix & Non-Matrix), Assembly (Matrix & Non-Matrix), and Kit Items without using native matrix item functionality in NetSuite.
As part of this enhancement, you are no longer required to use NetSuite's native Matrix Item functionality to set up a parent-child relationship instead you can use simple items and a custom field to create a virtual parent-child relationship between their SKUs.
If you sell variation products on Magento 2 but do not use the matrix item functionality in NetSuite, you can leverage the Virtual Variations feature to sync simple items in NetSuite as variations in Magento 2."
For more information see, Setup parent-child relationship without NetSuite Matrix Item functionality.
With this feature, you can connect multiple Magento 2 accounts to a single Netsuite account and avoid managing customers, orders, fulfillment, and inventory levels across multiple Magento 2 accounts.
Connecting an additional Magento 2 account to a single NetSuite account can be accomplished in minutes via a self-installation UI wizard. For each additional Magento 2 account you connect, the Magento 2 Connector for NetSuite adds all the integration flows (Order Sync, Fulfillment Sync, Inventory Sync, Product Sync, and so on) in your integrator.io account along with default mappings and flow settings.
For more information see, Install additional Magento 2 account with the same NetSuite instance.
A new flow, NetSuite Item Image to Magento 2 Product Image Add/Update, in the Images section has been added to support this feature. The NetSuite Item Image to Magento 2 Product Image Add/Update flow exports item images from your NetSuite File Cabinet to Magento 2 for use on your product page.
This flow is only supported with the standard (previously "premium") or premium (previously "enterprise") edition of the connector.
For more information on this flow, see NetSuite Item Image to Magento 2 Product Image Add/Update.
The Magento 2-NetSuite connector has been enhanced to allow you to uninstall the connector from your integrator.io account. If you uninstall all or the only store associated with your connector, the connector tile is also removed from your integrator.io account and all associated information with the connector is deleted from your integrator.io account. After uninstalling you can reinstall from the marketplace as long as you have a valid subscription
For more information, see How to uninstall the store from the connector?
Support for importing product categories from Magento 2 into NetSuite
This enhancement allows you to import product categories along with its hierarchy from Magento 2 into NetSuite. This, in turn, helps the connector to automatically pick and assign a category from NetSuite to an item being imported into Magento 2.
The following new elements have been added in NetSuite to support this feature:
Data Flow: A new add/update flow, Magento Category to NetSuite Add/Update, has been added in the General section to support this feature.
Advanced Settings: The following two advanced settings have been added in the General section to control how the categories along with its hierarchy are displayed in the NetSuite:
Add Magento 2 Categories in NetSuite as
Exclude default category from category name in NetSuite
Field Mapping: New field mapping added to support category allocation for an item when it is imported in Magento 2 using any of the two flows in the Product section.
For more information on this enhancement, see Categories import from Magento 2 to NetSuite.
New Advanced Settings have been added to "Order" section:
NetSuite item to track Magento 2 gift card redemption as a line item: Lets you choose the corresponding NetSuite item to track Magento 2 gift card amount & adds it as a line item on the NetSuite sales order.
NetSuite item to track Magento 2 shipping cost as a line item: This is an optional setting and lets you choose the corresponding NetSuite item to track Magento 2 order shipping costs as a line item on the NetSuite sales order.
NetSuite item to track Magento 2 tax amount as a line item: This is an optional setting and lets you choose the corresponding NetSuite item to track Magento 2 order tax amounts as a line item on the NetSuite sales order. This is useful specifically in scenarios where you want to turn off the NetSuite native tax engine & maintain all the taxes directly inside of Magento 2.
This release is only compatible with Magento 2 v2.1.2 or higher. Please upgrade your Magento account with the latest Magento 2 release to leverage the great new benefits of our Magento 2 Connector release.
Support for Matrix Items export from NetSuite to Magento 2
A new data flow "NetSuite Matrix Item to Magento Configurable Product Add/Update" has been added under the "Product" section.
With this data enabled, Connector can export the Matrix Parent Item in NetSuite as Configurable Product in Magento with all the Matrix Child Items linked to the Configurable Product in Magento.
Configuring Ship Method & Payment Method mappings between Magento 2 and NetSuite for the order import is now easier than ever
Two new settings "Map Ship Methods" and "Map Payment Methods" in "Advanced Settings" section under "Order" that allow you to map Shipment & Payment Methods respectively between Magento 2 and NetSuite.
Existing values for these mappings will be automatically migrated to these settings and going forward, you must use add/update these mappings from these new settings only.
Help Articles for Ship Mappings & Payment Mappings have been updated in accordance with this change
Support for mapping attributes in Item & Matrix Item export from NetSuite to Magento 2.
A new flow setting to on-demand import orders by specific Magento 2 Order Id(s).
A new flow setting to import orders that have custom order status in Magento 2.
A new flow setting to import Store Credits on Magento 2 Order as a line item on Sales Order in NetSuite.
This release is only compatible with Magento 2 v2.1.2 or higher. Please upgrade your Magento account with the latest Magento 2 release to leverage the great new benefits of our Magento 2 Connector release.
A new data flow "NetSuite Billing to Magento Invoice Add" has been added under the Billing section that creates and captures (if required) invoices in Magento 2 once a corresponding cash sale or invoice is created in NetSuite.
A new dropdown setting "Credit Card payments are captured in" also comes pre-packaged with this data flow allowing you to define the trigger for payment capture.
This data flow is available only in the standard (previously "premium") edition of the connector.
A new static map widget setting "Map Customer Group to NetSuite Price Level" has been added under the "Advanced Settings" of the "Product" section.
In order to enable this feature, you only need to provide the corresponding values for the Magento 2 Customer Groups & NetSuite Price Levels in this setting.
Once configured, the connector picks up multiple quantities & prices on NetSuite price levels and creates corresponding tier pricing records on the Magento SKU.
A new checkbox setting "Multi-Currency customers enabled in NetSuite" has been added under the "Advanced Settings" of "Order" section which needs to be enabled to turn on this feature.
Support for sending out shipment confirmation emails to buyers in Fulfillment Export from NetSuite to Magento 2.
Fulfillment Export data flow from NetSuite to Magento 2 has been enhanced to support shipment creation and tracking no. creation in a single data flow. Therefore, we have removed the additional data flow for tracking no.
This release is only compatible with Magento 2 v2.1.2 or higher. Please upgrade your Magento account with the latest Magento 2 release to leverage the great new benefits of our Magento 2 Connector release.
Launch of the standard (previously "premium") edition of the Magento 2 connector.
An additional data flow "NetSuite Item to Magento 2 Product Add/Update" will be available in the "Product" section.
The above data flow supports exporting Inventory Items in NetSuite as Simple Items in Magento 2. This includes exporting standard item attributes like title, description, price, and more.
Enhancements to the starter (previously "standard") edition data flow:
Automation of billing NetSuite sales orders as cash sales or/and invoices
Two additional data flows have been added to the "Billing" section that allows you to automatically bill orders as cash sales or/and invoices once they are inside of NetSuite.
Support for importing leads from Magento 2 as NetSuite customers
The customer import flow has been enhanced to run independently of order import & now also supports syncing all updates on Magento 2 customer record to NetSuite.
Support for importing orders with bundle products from Magento 2 to NetSuite.
"Add Magento orders with status" advanced setting in the Order section has been enhanced to support multiple values. This means you can provide multiple order statuses (for example Pending, Processing) in the order filtering criteria of the Order Import data flow. Previously, you could provide only a single value for this setting.
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