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2017 - 2019

Release notes v1.12.1, May 2019

What’s enhanced

Support to track variance adjustments as a line item

You can now track the variance using the NetSuite item to track the variance adjustments as a line item field in the Advanced Settings - Order tab. This helps you to create a positive or a negative line item in Sales Order in Netsuite so that both BigCommerce and NetSuite reflect the same amount.

In NetSuite, you can see the positive or negative variance in the ETAIL ORDER TOTAL VARIANCE field. And, you can see the adjustment item added for variance in the Items tab.

What’s fixed

  • The error “Failed to add BigCommerce Order#xxx. The Total can not be negative” is fixed now. If your order total amount before taxes is less than the applied gift card amount (negative line item), you can now import such orders without any error.

  • When you run the “NetSuite Order to NetSuite Cash Sale Add” flow, you can now bill the sales order without any error irrespective of the number of line items in the sales order.

Release notes v1.11.0, March 2019

What's new

  • Under Settings > Integration Flows > Product , we have added a new flow NetSuite Item Image to BigCommerce Product Image Add/Update/Delete to sync images from NetSuite to BigCommerce. For more information on how the flow works, refer to BigCommerce Image Sync .


What's fixed

  • Duplication of customer records in NetSuite is now resolved.

Release notes v1.10.0, January 2019

What's new

BigCommerce Store and BigCommerce Store id are the new fields introduced in the Celigo BigCommerce Item Categories record. These fields enable the BigCommerce Product Categories to NetSuite Add/Update flow to efficiently deal with multiple BigCommerce stores.

For existing customers, who are using multiple stores in BigCommerce, you are requested to perform the below procedure only once.


In, go to BigCommerce-NetSuite Connector Settings > General > BigCommerce Product Categories to NetSuite Add/Update and run this flow at least once per store before performing the following procedure.

  1. In NetSuite, in the global search bar, search for Celigo BigCommerce Item Export Search saved search and click Edit .

  2. In NetSuite, under Criteria > Standard , add BigCommerce Item Category:BigCommerce Store id as the new filter. For example, you may want to set the filter as BigCommerce Item Category:BigCommerce Store id is 3457834 .

Leading Practice

If you deal with multiple BigCommerce stores and have categories with the same name in two or more stores, it is recommended that you prefix the store's name before each category.

To prefix the store name to a category name:

  1. Go to Settings > Integration Flows > General >BigComemrce Product Categories to NetSuite Add/Update .

  2. Click the Field Mappings icon.

  3. In the mapping screen, click the Gear icon of the Name field.

  4. Under Settings , select Multi-Field . The {{name}} handlebar will appear in the Expression text area.

  5. Prefix the store name. For example, StoreName - {{name}}.

What's enhanced

  • Matrix Item exports from NetSuite are much faster and reliable.

  • When you execute a mass update flow, it now checks for records where IDs (Product ID, Variant ID) have got updated. Eventually improving performance and processing records faster. Earlier, all the BigCommerce records were fetched to perform an update in NetSuite.

Release notes v1.9.0, July 2018

What's new

Ability to overwrite order sales tax in NetSuite with BigCommerce tax amounts

A new tab, in the Order Flow > Advanced Setting >Tax has been added which contains new fields.


These fields enable you to specify your preference for mapping tax totals between NetSuite and BigCommerce. The primary field, How would you like to bring sales tax into NetSuite, consist of the following option:

  • Overwrite taxes with BigCommerce tax amounts

  • NetSuite calculates taxes using its own tax engine

  • Add total tax against a single line item on the order

To know more in detail about these settings and the feature, see Handling order taxes in NetSuite.

Release notes v1.7.1, January 2018

What's new

Support for Virtual Variations (parent/child relationship without using matrix item feature)

To support this feature, the NetSuite Matrix Item to BigCommerce Product Add/Update flow has been enhanced to accommodate creating virtual variation items. This feature allows you to leverage the virtual variation functionality by Celigo to set up a parent-child relationship between the Inventory (Matrix & Non-Matrix), Assembly (Matrix & Non-Matrix), and Kit Items without using the matrix item feature in NetSuite.

As part of this enhancement, you are no longer required to use NetSuite's native Matrix Item functionality to set up a parent-child relationship instead you can use simple items and a custom field to create a virtual parent-child relationship between their SKUs.

For more information see, Setup parent-child relationship without NetSuite's Matrix Item functionality.

Release notes v1.6.1, December 2017

What's new

Support for uninstalling the BigCommerce-NetSuite connector

The BigCommerce-NetSuite connector has been enhanced to allow you to uninstall the connector from your account. If you uninstall all or the only store associated with your connector, the connector tile is also removed from your account and all associated information with the connector is deleted from your account. After uninstalling you can reinstall from the marketplace as long as you have a valid subscription

For more information, see How to uninstall the store from the connector?

What's enhanced

Support for adding shipping address info for guest customers

Prior to this enhancement, the shipping address information associated with the guest customer was not imported into NetSuite by the connector. With this release, the connector will also import shipping address details for an order placed by a guest customer of BigCommerce and will update it in the customer record in NetSuite.

What's fixed

Support for including comma in the category name during item export

Prior to this enhancement, an issue existed in importing an item for which the selected category had a comma(,) mentioned in it. The imported item from NetSuite to BigCommerce had an issue that the selected category use to show up as unassigned in BigCommerce. With this release, this issue has been resolved. Now, you can use a comma in the category name.

Release notes v1.4.0, November 2017

What's new

Support for controlling the display for categories and its hierarchy in NetSuite

A new advanced setting, Add BigCommerce Categories in NetSuite as, has been added in the General section. This setting allows you to select the way categories of information is displayed in the NetSuite custom record. For eg: The following information demonstrates how the Men's -> Shoes -> Sports Shoes category information is displayed in NetSuite when you select:

Option 1 - Mens: Shoes: Sport Shoes

Option 2 - Sports Shoes: Shoes: Men's

Option 3 - Sports Shoes (Mens: Shoes)


Support for adding a default customer to all BigCommerce orders

A new advanced setting, Default NetSuite customer for BigCommerce orders, has been added in the Order > Customer section that allows you to provide the internal id of the customer record in NetSuite. This internal id is then used to find the matching customer in NetSuite and the matched customer is added as the default customer for all BigCommerce order ids being imported from BigCommerce into NetSuite.

To use this feature, copy the internal id of the customer from the customer record in NetSuite.


Enter this customer internal id in the Order > Advanced Setting >Customer section as shown in the following image:


What's enhanced

Feature to restrict the installation of the same store twice

The feature to add an additional BigCommerce store in the connector with the same NetSuite instance has been further enhanced to restrict users from adding the same store twice in the connector. This enhancement will ensure that there is always one connection per BigCommerce store added in the connector.

Release notes v1.2.0, February 2017

What's new

  • Item Export (including Matrix Items) from NetSuite to BigCommerce

    This new data flow exports the NetSuite items (both simple and matrix items) to BigCommerce. NetSuite Matrix Items are exported as Product variations in BigCommerce. It comes with optional settings to configure Item price level and currency. Note: Assembly, Kit Items, etc are not supported with this flow. Refer BigCommerce - NetSuite Connector Product Sync for more information.

  • Billing Export from NetSuite to BigCommerce

    This flow picks all the BigCommerce orders from NetSuite which are marked as “Billed” and updates the status of the same orders in BigCommerce as “Completed”. Refer BigCommerce - NetSuite Connector Billing Sync for more information.

  • Order Cancellation Export from NetSuite to BigCommerce

    This flow exports canceled orders from NetSuite into BigCommerce. Once an order is marked as canceled or closed in NetSuite and you run this flow, the status of the same orders in BigCommerce is updated as canceled by the connector. Note: This flow does not support partial order cancellations. Refer BigCommerce - NetSuite Connector Cancellation Sync for more information.

  • Order Refund Export from NetSuite to BigCommerce

    When a BigCommerce order is refunded in NetSuite by creating a cash refund or credit memo traNetSuiteaction in NetSuite, the connector exports this data and creates a corresponding refund record in BigCommerce. This flow supports partial refunds created as Cash Refunds or Credit Memos in NetSuite. Note: Refund for shipping and taxes is not supported. Refer BigCommerce - NetSuite Connector Refund Sync for more information.

What’s enhanced

  • Support for OAuth based Connection

    The Connector now supports the new OAuth based authentication recommended by BigCommerce.

  • Order Import data flow settings

    • On Demand Order Import: A new setting to import up to 5 BigCommerce 5 orders into NetSuite on-demand.

    • Ship and Payment Method Mappings: A new setting to easily map the shipment and payment method mappings between BigCommerce and NetSuite.

    • Import the following as line items on SO.

      • Shipping Amount

      • Tax Amount

      • Gift Certificate

      • AmountStore credit

Refer BigCommerce - NetSuite Connector Order Sync for more information.

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