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Set up a cookie-based HTTP connection to Acumatica

Acumatica is a complete cloud ERP platform that provides solutions for all your business management needs.

Acumatica documentation: Developer guides

Instead of connecting to Acumatica via the built-in OAuth 2.0 and basic (cookie) authentication types, you have the option to select a universal HTTP connector. Then, you have the advantage of specifying every supported Acumatica connection field, such as the API rate limit, whether or not it is currently available in (The disadvantage of this method is that you won’t then be able to user the app-aware Form view in Acumatica exports and imports that employ this DIY connector.)

A. Set up an HTTP connection

Start establishing an HTTP connection to Acumatica in either of the following ways:

  • From the Resources menu, select Connections. Then, click + Create connection at the top right.

    – or –

  • While working in a new or existing integration, you can add an application to a flow simply by clicking Add source or Add destination/lookup.

In the resulting Application list, select HTTP.


The Create connection pane opens with required and advanced settings.

B. Edit cookie auth settings


This article is concerned only with the settings needed for Acumatica connections. For complete field documentation, see Set up a cookie-based HTTP connection.

Continuing in the Create connection pane, select Cookie for the Authentication type. The settings then become specific to cookie-based connections:


Cookie URI: Enter the Acumatica login auth URL, such as

Cookie success status code: The expected success status code returned is 204.

How to connect to an on-premise Acumatica server


If your instance of Acumatica is stored on a local server (on prem), you can establish your connection with the following steps:

  1. Install and activate an on-premise agent.

  2. Enter the localhost URL in the Base URI field. For example:


C. Edit HTTP application details


Configure HTTP headers: Enter the name content-type and the value application/json.

Base URI: Sign into your Acumatica account to retrieve your account information – for example,<endpoint-name>/<API-version> with your Acumatica API info, where...

  • <endpoint-name> is a value such as Default or Sub_Entity

  • <API-version> is a version string such as 18.200.001

Media type: Accept the default value, JSON.

How to retrieve Acumatica API info


Sign in to your Acumatica account, and search for Web service endpoints.

The search result displays the API in the Endpoints folder.

Notice that it also displays the endpoint name and version, required for your connection:

D. Edit advanced settings


Encrypted: Enter your Acumatica username and password – for example,

{"name" : "username", "password" : "p@s$Wørđ"}.

E. Save, test, and authorize

Once you have configured the HTTP connection, you have a few options for continuing:

  • Save – click this button to test the connection, commit the new connection so that it will be available to all integrations for your account

  • Save & close – click to test and save the connection and exit the Create connection pane

  • Cancel – click to exit without saving any new changes

  • Test connection – click this button to verify that your new connection is free of errors

When you test or save the connection, it is verified before continuing.


If the connection fails, double-check the provided settings, and test again.

Read more about this connector:

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