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Earn rewards for helping to improve the Celigo platform

Help shape the future of the Celigo platform by participating in our user research program! Input from Celigo customers is critical – it guides us to build experiences that best serve your needs.

When you are signed in to, you will occasionally see a pop-up asking for your feedback. Consider taking a minute to respond. After submitting feedback, you may be invited to participate in one of the following reward-eligible opportunities:

Recorded Feedback

When prompted, click Start now and follow the on-screen instructions to record your feedback. These sessions hosted on the UserTesting platform typically take 5-15 minutes. In appreciation for your time, you will receive 25 Celigo Research Reward points that you can exchange for Celigo swag, a gift card, or other merchandise from a list of available merchants and prepaid cash card providers.

Scheduled Zoom Session

Some topics require an interactive session with a member of our Product team. Click Schedule to set up a Zoom session. These sessions typically take 30-60 minutes. In appreciation for your time, you will receive 50 Celigo Research Reward points that you can exchange for Celigo swag, a gift card, or other merchandise from a list of available merchants and prepaid cash card providers.


What is required to record my feedback on the UserTesting platform? 
To hear your responses and see what you're referring to, you will be prompted to share your microphone and screen. (You can ignore the prompt to install the optional browser extension since we are not tracking screen interactions.) This video and guide from UserTesting provide additional information.

Can I dismiss the pop-up and provide feedback when it's more convenient?

  • To be prompted in again one day from now, click Remind me later.
    If you close the pop-up instead, it will not reappear. Feel free to email your feedback to us at
  • If you've been invited to provide recorded feedback, copy and save the URL launched with the Start now button. When you have up to 15 minutes free to record your responses, paste the URL into a new browser tab. As long as sessions remain available, you can participate. 

I don't want to use UserTesting. How else can I provide feedback?
We are happy to receive email feedback from you, or to schedule a Zoom call. Email us at

How are Celigo Research Rewards issued?
Within 7 days after you complete a research session, you should receive an email from Click the button in the email to redeem your rewards. You will be prompted to activate an account on the AwardCo platform with a new password. If you do not receive this email, please contact us at 

What can I redeem with my Celigo Research Rewards points? 
You can use your points to redeem Celigo swag, gift cards, or other merchandise. Specific offerings and point values are subject to change, but some examples appear below.


Do I have to redeem my rewards immediately?
No. You can continue earning rewards through additional research opportunities and wait to redeem the accumulated amount. The points do not expire.

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