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Error Management enables you to access your flows’ errors using the API and then take action programmatically.
Within the /errors endpoint, you can add the following query parameters when making a GET method call, to narrow down the results you want to see:
Take note of the retryDataKey so you can retry your errors via the /retry endpoint.
occurredAt_lte (time value is UTC in ISO format)
occurredAt_gte (time value is UTC in ISO format)
Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Get all open errors for an export. |
Get all open errors for an import. |
Assign an export error to a user. |
Assign an import error to a user. |
"errors": [ { "occurredAt": "2021-06-15T21:21:30.538Z", "source": "application", "code": "response_failure", "message": "\"response failed using path: \\\"ok\\\". Value found: \\\"false\\\". Response body: {\\\"ok\\\":false,\\\"error\\\":\\\"channel_not_found\\\"}\"", "traceKey": "53968", "exportDataURI": "53968 Winifred Arathorn", "oIndex": "1", "retryDataKey": "332••••••••••••••••••••••••••81fe", "errorId": "•••••••••", "_flowJobId": "60c•••••••••••••••••e77", "classification": "missing", "classifiedBy": "autopilot", "reqAndResKey": "5634326309435-9a2aeeaaec51494cb1ed2206f34116c8-200-POST" } ]
Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Retrieve resolved errors for an export. |
Retrieve resolved errors for an import. |
Resolve specified errors for an export. |
Resolve specified errors for an import. |
For the /resolved
endpoint, send the error object in the request body with the following format:
Request body: { "errors": ["<_errorId1>", ... , "<_errorIdn>"]}
Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Retry specified errors for an export. |
Retry specified errors for an import. |
For the /retry
endpoint, send the retry keys in the request body with the following format:
Request body: { "retryDataKeys": ["<_retryDataKey1>", ... , "<_retryDataKeyn>"]}
The <_retryDataKey>
value is available from the /errors
endpoint (see sample data, above) for an export or import. A GET
call to the /data
endpoint with this key will return the error retry data.
Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Get error retry data for an export. |
Update error retry data for an export. |
Get error retry data for an import. |
Update error retry data for an import. |
Sample GET
{ "data": { "_id": ••••, "role": "Student", "firstname": "Winifred", "lastname": "Arathorn", "age": 73 }, "files": { "fileMeta": { "fileName": "School_name_randomid.json", "modifiedTime": "2021-03-12T19:23:40.560Z", "id": "1A_UwQGRxSRX5BaMjpBeTRwrAxytARJnc", "type": "application/json" } }, "stage": "page_processor_import", "traceKey": "53968", "dataURI": "53968 Winifred Arathorn" }
Then, via the API, you can attempt to retry the error with the same or modified fields. Place a PUT call to the /data endpoint, passing all of the data returned from the GET method in the request body.
{ "data": { "_id": 53968, "role": "Student", "firstname": "Winifred_updated_via_put", "lastname": "Arathorn_updated_via_put", "age": 73 }, "files": { "fileMeta": { "fileName": "School_name_randomid.json", "modifiedTime": "2021-03-12T19:23:40.560Z", "id": "1A_UwQGRxSRX5BaMjpBeTRwrAxytARJnc", "type": "application/json" } }, "stage": "page_processor_import", "traceKey": "53968", "dataURI": "53968 Winifred Arathorn" }
This endpoint allows you to get and update Error tags. You can choose to update the entire tag or a specific part of the tag.
Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Get all tags. |
Get a specific tag. |
Update a tag. |
Delete a tag. |
Create a tag. |
– OR –
This API call updates error tags by either assigning new tags or removing existing ones. Sending an empty tags array removes all tags from the error. If the error initially had two tags and you provided only one in the request, the missing tag will be removed, leaving only the one you specified. Essentially, this request replaces all existing tags with the ones provided. |
Field |
Data type |
PUT /v1/flows/<_flowid>/<_exportId>/tags HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer my_api_token { "errors": [ { "id": "<errorId>", "rdk": "<retryDataKey>" } ], "tagIds": [ "<tagId>" ] }
The Errors API endpoint returns up to 1000 errors per call, but there may be occasions when an import or export has more than 1000 errors. To get the remaining errors for an import or export, use the returned nextPageURL value from the response. For example, your initial call (with more than 1000 results) will return the following payload:
{ "errors": [...], "nextPageURL": "/v1/flows/:flowId/:exportOrImportId/errors?startAtErrorId=123456789" }
Use the nextPageURL until a nextPageURL is no longer returned in the response. In an export this would look as follows:
Paging Method: nextPageUrl
Path to next page URL field in HTTP response body: nextPageURL
Check out template in the Celigo Marketplace that demonstrates error handling automation via the Celigo platform error REST API
the Error automation via APIs
This template contains two example flows that use Error Management features to automate retrying or resolving errors that meet certain conditions. This template is most useful for integration scenarios where errors do not need further resolution other than to retry the record as-is or for known issues that can be automatically resolved.
Is there a maximum size for the errors array in the PUT body of the /resolved endpoint?
Similarly, is there a max size for the retryDataKeys array in the POST body of the /retry endpoint?
Jason Haslow No such max limit is defined however the standard platform limit of 5MB applies to any API requests. Hope this answers your question.
It does, thank you very much.
What is the format for the body of the PUT call on the /data endpoint? The body in the postman collection is empty. I have tried with an unnamed object that contains the updated error data but it updated the error data to be blank.
Hi Cole Seymour,
The request body sample is not provided in the collection for the PUT api. What you can do is do a GET for /retry data and use the response in the PUT api body.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance
Hi Naveen,
Thanks for looking into this. For anyone wondering, ended up naming the object "data" and it updated correctly. The GET for the /data endpoint returns the below body:
"data": {{{jsonDataHere}}}
Thanks for sharing Cole Seymour
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