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Walmart-NetSuite integration app sandbox credentials usage

This update is for customers who are using the Walmart - NetSuite integration app and want to install the integration app in a Walmart sandbox environment for configuration and testing purposes.

Walmart sandbox credentials cannot be integrated completely with the integration app, irrespective of the Walmart connection used - Walmart Wrapper or Walmart HTTP - due to the following reasons:

  • Walmart Wrapper doesn’t have the option of selecting an environment - sandbox or production - and defaults to the production environment. The Walmart Wrapper connection is used by all integration flows in the starter edition, except for the NetSuite items to Walmart products (add/update) integration flow which is available only in the standard edition.
  • Walmart HTTP connection has the option to select the environment to be used. Walmart sandbox credentials can be authenticated only for the Walmart HTTP connection. However, the Walmart HTTP connection is used only for the NetSuite items to Walmart products (add/update) flow and is created in the standard edition of the integration app.
  • Even when a standard edition of the integration app is installed and used, a Walmart Wrapper connection with sandbox credentials cannot be authenticated

Note: The Walmart sandbox is just a representation environment and Walmart doesn’t validate or process any API/Feed requests sent through this environment.

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