You can quickly set up email subscriptions for yourself on the Notifications tab for each integration. To learn more about how these notifications work, see How handles email notification of errors.
Tip: If you are setting up notifications for yourself as well as other users, you may find it more convenient to work on the Users tab for each integration.
To set up up your email subscriptions on the Notifications tab:
- Navigate to the integration that contains the flows or connections for which you want to configure email notification.
- Click the Notifications tab.
- Under Notify me on flow error, select All flows or specific flow(s).
Note: If your integration uses flow groups, the name of the group appears to the right of each flow name.
- When you are finished selecting flows, click Done.
- Under Notify me when connection goes offline, select the connection(s) that should trigger notification emails. Then, click Done.
- Click Save.
1 comment
How long does it take after a flow error for the notification email to go out?
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