Relative URI |
Method |
Success code |
Description |
Retrieves the list of all users from your account along with their access level and other attributes. |
Retrieves a specific user. |
Update a specific user’s account. |
Deletes a specific user. |
Disables a specific user’s account. |
Invite a user to the account. |
Reshare the account access to a user. |
Update a specific part of a user's SSO client. |
There is one SSO client field you can update using a PATCH
Field |
Data type |
GET /v1/ashares HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer my_api_token
[ { "_id":"554••••••••••••••••••00d", "accepted":true, "accessLevel":"manage", "integrationAccessLevel": [ { "_integrationId":"554••••••••••••••••••00d8", "accessLevel":"manage" }, ], "accountSSORequired":false, "lastModified":"2022-01-18T22:50:37.665Z", "sharedWithUser":{ "_id":"554••••••••••••••••••00dj", "email":"", "name":"John Smith", "allowedToResetMFA":false, "accountSSOLinked":"not_linked" } ]
GET /v1/ashares/64••••••••••••••••••cf8 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer my_api_token
1 comment
If you are doing this in postman, it should look like this:
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