Aspire - NetSuite integration (custom flows) – Regenerate expired security token

Note: This post only applies to regenerating expired security tokens for an Aspire (HTTP) – NetSuite integration via the API

To get to this point, you should have already generated a token in Postman and used it in the Token field in for an initial test. You should have made the API calls to Aspire and seen the data being returned.

Test the connection

  1. Use Aspire's /Branches call to test the connection via Postman. You should receive an array of branches where the first Branch is called "Main."
  2. Use this response to set the Success response value field. 

Note: Aspire returns a 401 when a bad token is provided, so you don't need to configure anything in the How to detect authorization failure section. 

Configure the Configure refresh token section

  1. Configure the Configure Refresh Token section, provided you received the information from Postman to get the token in the HTTP request body section.
  2. Finally, to validate your configuration, include an invalid token in the Token and Refresh Token fields – this is done intentionally, so it gets tested immediately.

Test the connection

  1. makes an API call to Aspire using the /Branches endpoint.
  2. Aspire sends back a 401, which is detected by and uses the Refresh token configuration to fetch a real token and store it in the Token field.
  3. Finally, to encrypt the Client Id and Secret, navigate to Advanced →  use the Encrypted box to store the credentials so they're hidden and not visible in plain text.



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