Sales tax from Shopify to Netsuite




  • Official comment
    Celigo Support

    In our experience, maintaining a zero tax variance across the two systems is a very broad topic and the right solution varies for each specific scenario.  We would be happy to look at your scenario and provide guidance.  If you would like assistance, please open a support ticket with information regarding the tax settings in each system and we can provide suggestions for mapping. - Celigo Support

  • Rohit Gupta

    Hello Hunter, this is Rohit Gupta, Product Manager for Celigo's Shopify Connector for NetSuite. I just wanted to provide some insights on a new feature we are working that might be of interest to you.

    Presently, you only have two options when it comes to tax handling:

    • #1 Let NetSuite calculate sales tax using its own tax engine & hope that there is no variance
    • #2 Bring the sales tax on NetSuite order against a default line item.

    In addition to this, we will be adding another option that will #3 Overwrite sales tax calculated by NetSuite (on order level/line level) with the exact sales tax amount charged to the buyer in Shopify. This feature is already available for our Amazon Seller Central & Magento 2 Connector and is expected to be available for Shopify connector before the end of April.


  • Trophy Skin

    Hi Rohit, are you still on track to deploy a #3 solution for the Shopify Connector in April 2018? We are looking for help with our connector and matching up Sales Tax correctly.


  • Rohit Gupta

    Hi Imran, thanks for showing interest in this feature. Yes, the feature is on track for the end of April for the Shopify - NetSuite connector.

    Also, I'm curious to know why do you see variance b/w Shopify & NetSuite sales tax calculations presently and how are you handling it w/o the upcoming feature? Would appreciate any feedback you may have.

  • Rohit Gupta

    Hi, I just wanted to provide a quick update on this. This feature is in QA at this time & expected to be available in production in next couple of weeks. 

  • Rohit Gupta

    Wanted to follow up on this & report that the Sales Tax Overwrite feature for Shopify - NetSuite connector is live in Production now. The following article has been updated to reflect the new feature (see option#1):

  • Anthony Rosenkrantz

    how are you guys managing exchanges, given that it has null sku?


  • Rohit Gupta Product Management Director

    Hi Anthony, can you pls elaborate on your use case? Are you using a returns platform to manage exchanges? What specific issues you are seeing with tax calculations?

  • Anthony Rosenkrantz

    when shopify-Pos process an exchange order it creates a fake line item with no sku, and all these transactions fail unless u force them to a dummy sku which is a little heavy handed


  • Rohit Gupta Product Management Director

    Thanks Anthony. Are you aware of this configuration setting that would replace any such lines (with no SKU value) with a default SKU in NetSuite automatically? Does this help address your question? Pls let us know.


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