Unsolved Error

I am getting this error when I try to create an invoice in netsuite from Integrator 'invalid postMap hook response: expecting canonical data response with same size' 



Date Votes
  • Justin Vidal is this a custom flow? Can you provide some screenshots of your flow configuration? Sounds like the error is within a NetSuite SuiteScript hook.

  • Tyler Lamparter Yeah, I am trying to use a NetSuite SuiteScript hook to update a sales order and generate an invoice. I have attached screenshots of the hook I have set up, the import for the destination the hook is on, the javascript function I am referencing, and the flow configuration. 

  • Justin Vidal is there a reason you're using a suitescript as opposed to using the functionality we have within Celigo to transform records? Check out this article and see if you could do this as opposed to suitescript https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360061028431-How-to-transform-record-to-Netsuite-. 

  • hi! I'm getting the same type of error on the Credit Memo creation step of the Shopify to Netsuite refund flow.
    Sometimes I'm able to resolve it by retrying the error, sometimes it persists.
    Any leads are appreciated!

  • Roxane Cosnard des Closets if you're using the integration app, I'd suggest creating a support ticket. I can't really help troubleshoot for those.

  • Justin Vidal  Make sure you are returning response data at the end of your script.

    Ex. return options.responseData;


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