Refunds Flow Not Working for Over One Month

I am super concerned that Celigo cannot find the issue for our Refunds flow, and we now have over 15k refunds that didn't make it to Netsuite. The issue is affecting our finances and inventory.

Over one month ago, we opened a ticket with their team, and they pointed out issues with Netsuite, and Netsuite pointed the issue back to Celigo. 

The error is related to sss_time_limit_exceeded when the RESTLET cannot complete the flow in less than 5 minutes, even if we submit only one record.

This is where Netsuite is telling us: 

  •  We tried reproducing the error using the Suitelet that Celigo provided from their previous test
  • Upon testing this in the internal QA environment, we found that the first filter on the search (eTail Order Id is not empty) is the one causing the script to exceed the time limit. To explain this further, here are the tests we have performed:

    To properly illustrate, we have recreated the search in the script on the user interface as a Saved Search:

The following points are the different scenarios we have tested. Please note that we removed filtering the specific order ID.

  1. Removed eTail Order Id is not empty and specific eTail Order Id, but with Date Created = Results loaded (30+ rows) around 5 seconds
  2. Removed eTail Order Id is not empty and specific eTail Order Id, no Date Created = Results loaded (2M rows) around 300s
  3. Order of the filters were then changed:
      1. Record types first, followed by eTail Order Id is not empty, then Inventory Detail : Internal ID (Number) is not empty, then Transaction Serial and Transaction Bin Number filters (no specific order Ids, no date created) = 1.9M rows, 403s
      2. Same as above, but eTail Order Id is not empty & Inventory Detail is not empty in the last part = 1.9M rows, 412s
        1. Same as above, but removed the eTail Order Id is not empty = 2.7M rows,  301s
    To explain why Celigo's test resulted to time limit exceeded even when processing just 1 order ID: This is because the filter - eTail Order Id is not empty is at the first part of the filters in the search and the system tries to get the rows returned by this specific filter before checking the other succeeding filters.

    To conclude, we would highly suggest for you to optimize the search by reordering the filters available, and adding additional filters if possible. From our tests, we found that the placement of the filters will also contribute to the total time it loads the search.

Here is Celigo's Response:

Hi NetSuite Team,
The scenario your team is trying is on the User interface, but then we have mentioned trying on the Suitelet.
My investigation

 Strangely, I took a Shopify order ID from a just-failed Refund and id a Transaction search with that as the ONLY criteria. As I read NetSuite’s comments, this should take a long time to run and potentially cause a timeout. The thing is.. the search was completed successfully in 1.84 seconds!


Now, I am in the middle of all of this with a timeline for a fix or next steps. It sounds like the case was completely abandoned even after trying many times to get the help of our account manager. 




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