Pre send - Celigo.integrator.Hook

I am attempting to create a preSend Celigo Hook. I have taken the sample from here:

However, it is not working. The logs are showing that the record was sent to Celigo, however it is not causing the flow to run. I also cannot find any logs that the hook ran in the Celigo Realtime Import Restlet Runner. I am using suitescript 1.0 as directed. Could you help me to figure out why this is causing the flow not to run?





Date Votes
  • Bailey Feldewerd It looks like the execution log for this is actually under the "Celigo Consumer Runner" script deployment. I went to script execution logs for the entire NetSuite instance to find where it was going.


  • Tyler Lamparter

    That's correct! After looking at these logs and changing the sample script to actually perform the update I was trying to do, everything worked!


    Thank you!

  • Bailey Feldewerd on the export step, what option is selected here? If your hook is in suitescript 1.0, then it needs to be using suitebundle 1.0 or suiteapp 1.0.

  • Tyler Lamparter

    Yes, I have had it set to the 1.0 SuiteBundle. Which is what I have installed in Netsuite. 



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