Shopify POS transactions failing to interface with NetSuite

I have the realitime flow "Shopify order to NetSuite sales order (add)" enabled. And as per my knowledge, the Shopify NetSuite integration product still treats POS orders as cash sale as long as "Sync POS orders into NetSuite as sales orders" is unchecked in Settings > Order.

We went live yesterday. Since then, all our POS orders are failing. The error is very apparent - it simply says the "Unable to create the order in NetSuite ... because 236 is an invalid custom form". And that is correct - 236 is our internal id for Sales order form. The real time flow has 236 as the internal id. For Cash Sale, the internal id is something else. Do I need to put a Compare statement for the Form (InternalId) field in the real time mapping. The cash sale form has the right form name; but I am not sure if that is being called.

Any ideas would be appreciated. 



Date Votes
  • Two updates (if anyone else encounters this issue):

    • I used the below compare logic for Form (internal id) and that got the POS orders flowing. 
    {{#if source_name}}{{#compare source_name '===' 'pos'}}210{{else}}236{{/compare}}{{/if}}
    • The issue resurfaced for POS orders that are to be shipped later (Buy online, ship to customer). I understand that requires some additional logic in the compare handlebar; trying to figure that out now.
  • I resolved it by improvising the above compare logic. For POS orders that require shipping; the fulfillment status is null; for the rest its fulfilled. I inserted that else logic as another compare statement since traditional if...else is not supported by handlebar.

    You'll also notice that I used a simplified compare instead of the earlier if & compare model. This is courtesy of the Celigo agent who attended to my ticket and suggested this from on his knowledge bases.

    {{#compare source_name "==" "pos"}}{{#compare fulfillment_status "==" "fulfilled"}}210{{else}}236{{/compare}}{{else}}236{{/compare}}

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