Salesforce <> NetSuite V2 IA Migration - New (IO) Field Update Instructions
Below are the steps for copying and importing your existing V2 Reference ID's into the new (IO) Reference ID fields. This update task should be completed sooner than later.
Why is this Necessary? If you decide to uninstall the existing Celigo "V2" Bundle from either Salesforce or NetSuite Environments, all previous existing reference/ID fields and data will be removed. Your "V2" integration has been loading Integration Reference ID's into both systems behind the scenes for years. This avoids duplicates and ensures proper record linking during the integration flows.
How to Avoid this Scenario? Updating your previously synced Salesfrorce/NetSuite Reference ID values into the new (IO) fields will solve this.
How to perform this task? The steps below are recommended for making this change. An Admin User for each system (NetSuite/Salesforce) will be needed to perform these tasks.
1. Identify previously synced records during the V2 integration.
- In Salesforce, run a report (or export) to identify records that contain the "NetSuite ID" field along with the new "NetSuite (IO)" field. Please include the Salesforce "Internal ID" in the data set as well (used for re-importing values).
- In NetSuite, run a report (or export) to identify records that contain the "Salesforce ID" field along with the new "Salesforce (IO)" field. Please include the NetSuite "Internal ID" in the data set as well (used for re-importing values).
Full V2 (IO) Migration Field List for import reference: 1vQQDwwnl_ nkiMBzQtu8CtiEgOMRqOQm8f5lGygp hO5Ewo9dNGvoUv9xR0KR0tLXb5- nXSAJhK6p86RX/pubhtml
3. Temporarily disable the associated Celigo Flows to avoid mass update triggering during update step.
5. Re-enable the Celigo Flows and Schedules to "ON" status.
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