Streamlining Netsuite lookup
Hello, we have a very large file that we use for price updates (about 1152900 lines of data)
My flow currently is google drive > Netsuite lookup > import into netsuite
The netsuite lookup is used to determine if we have it in our catalog before importing the item price data. This seems to be a bottle neck and is very slow (I assume because of the sheer number of items its looking up)
Is there any way to make my flow more efficient? I have not yet found anything online
Hi Matthew Gargano,
I have a couple questions about your setup first.
The reason I ask is because I would setup the flow like this:
The reason for getting rid of the lookup is because it's really just doubling the number of lookups since the import step is already doing that. When you choose "update" on the import step, it's already performing a "lookup" behind the scenes to find that record. However, if half the file is just SKUs you don't even need, then how you have it makes sense. By adding grouping, there are fewer records passing back and forth and you can bulk update pricing per item as opposed to one item/price combo at a time.
Hopefully that helps
Thank you for all of that info.
To answer your questions:
1. The only thing being updated is the items vendor price and a date field.
2.Each line on the file is a different item, so I dont think the grouping is relevant. unless I misunderstood what you meant.
3. I have to look more into the concurrency, currently I have that blank. I dont anticipate that there will be any duplicate items in the file
I have cloned the flow, removed the lookup and reworked the mapping. I am currently testing
Thanks again
Matthew Gargano that makes sense. I was assuming you were updating multiple price levels per item. For example, if you had a Walmart price level and an Amazon price level for the same item that you needed to update, you could use the grouping feature to group those 2 rows together and make 1 call to NetSuite to update both at the same time. In your case, it sounds like you are just updating a header level value on the item record so there wouldn't be a need to group the data.
As for concurrency, here are a few good articles. If it's left blank, it will use a concurrency of 1. I would suggest increasing it.
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