Real time flows

How can I build a flow when there is condition that stage of an opportunity is reached then records should be pushed to Acumatica. If the accounts and contacts related are new then that also should be pushed to acumatica. Should I make serial flow or should it be lookup?



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  • Moving this post to the Troubleshoot custom flows section for better reach. 

  • Shaila Reddy I notice that this post of yours is similar to the Real time flow triggers post created by you. My colleague Tyler has provided a resolution related to Create a trigger in a Salesforce account. Are you looking for something else that was not covered in the resolution provided to you.

  • Yes, I am looking for something else.


  • Shaila Reddy It would be great if you could provide an explanation of what exactly you are trying to achieve with an example and screenshots (if possible) masking any PII.

  • I have build a flow by taking trigger for Opportunity. From that I should be checking account Id and contact Id. If they are new. Then they should be pushed to Acumatica. For this, I have made a flow. In the source, I have taken sobject as Opportunity and Field specific qualification criteria specified conditions. In the import, I have imported Accounts and contacts. Should I Export Accounts and contacts by adding another source? Should I create any branching?

  • Shaila Reddy Thank you for providing this information. A follow-up question. Are you using a custom flow or the Salesforce -  Acumatica template to achieve this result.

  • Shaila Reddy on the realtime export you can get all opportunity and account data, but since the contacts are related to the account you would need a lookup step to get that information. Here are some sample screenshots on how you may go about this.


    Lookup query to get contacts associated with the record account id.


    From the lookup, result map the contacts into your data so you can use it when importing later in the flow.


    Use result mapping on the Acumatica customer import step to map back the Acumatica customer id that was made so you can then use it on the contact import.

  • Thankyou Tyler. How can we make flow when there are 3 different conditions? in the field Specification Criteria, I am not able to select And and or together.

  • Shaila Reddy you can create filter groups and use AND/OR statements.


    Hi Tyler, am not able to click on OR condition even If I do that, after saving it is shown as AND. 

  • Shaila Reddy are you adding filters and/or filter groups first? You have to add filters to then specify AND/ORs. You can add via the top right hand corner of your screenshot.

  • Shaila Reddy To add to what Tyler mentioned:

    1. Add filters related to a single type using Add rule. In the screenshot below, I added the filters for "OR" type first.
    2. Save the information.
    3. Click Add group and the filter with the other type. In my case, "AND" type filters.
    4. Click Save & close.

    Hope this helps.



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