Custom Form Builder Settings-link to the flow
Hello everyone,
I'm currently working on creating a static mapping for a custom flow using the custom form builder.
I would like to know how I can link this to a specific flow? Specifically, I'm wondering if we need to include a unique identifier or ID when mapping to refer to this particular setting. Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Yash Kumar there are 6 different scopes/levels of settings you can use:
Depending on your use case, you would build the form where appropriate. At each level, you specify the unique field id in your form JSON using the "name" attribute.
After that, you can reference the populated fields anywhere you see the settings context in the flow.
Hi Tyler,
Thank you very much for this! I greatly appreciate it.
In reference to the specific use case, I would like to have my flow to utilize the general setting(Custom form builder) for the Shipping method static lookup(An example). Rather than traditionally mapping it on the import mapping on the flow, I intend to mimic the IA flows working principal here. Please advise!
Yash Kumar you would need a script to do this. In my example here, I created a preMap script to compare my field value to the stored settings. After returning the result, you would just map the new field in mapper.
Premap script:
Working with field1 = 1.
Not working with field1 = 2 because there is no mapping for when vield1 value = 2.
Field mapping with the new field:
Thanks Tyler!
Really appreciate this.
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