Strange error: "Failed to parse field" and "We received an invalid file." - any ideas?

I'm receiving an error: "Failed to parse field" on an HTTP import. It only happens when I run the flow, when I'm editing the flow everything is working correctly, including the mapper2.0 import preview. I've checked the source data for any clues, but it all looks fine. My mock export data is pulled from the actual runtime export data.

The full error is:

{"messages":["Failed to parse field"],"traceId":"4ba312de9d73cc68","errors":{"order_id":["Failed to parse field"]}}

The http request in the error details states:

We received an invalid file. _flowId=645e4265f4d2c03c9fc04932, _expOrImpId=6472d04b0f683469c5e1e09e, fileName=5569433908566-671b8ed23b284c1aa0c7bda2d2fa20e4-400-POST-import. Please contact Celigo support.

I removed the order_id mapping and re-ran the flow, now the error has changed to the next mapped field.

Here's a screen shot of the mapping:

I suspect if I remove the order_date mapping it will throw an error for the field after that, etc., etc. It seems like there is something wrong with the mapping, but like I said, the preview is working perfectly.

Any ideas?




1 comment
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  • Hii Steve Klett ,

    As per seeing the above issue, and the HTTP request details I think the JSON or any file format which is coming for import is having some syntax issues. That's where we are seeing this parsing issue.

    It will be quite helpful if you can provide us with a similar test flow so that we can find out the exact issue.





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