How to set Date value for recurrancedate field of NetSuite Billing Schedule record.

Trying to load Billing schedules into NetSuite using Data loader csv option, In the CSV file i have columns as given below.

Post mapping Celigo Output is not showing all the lines.

Sometimes i get Invliad date format error.

Here are the things which i tried - 

1. used handlebar {{{dateformat "MM/DD/YYYY" recurrancedate}}}

2. changed csv import recurrande date format to : 2023-07-28T07:00:00.000Z

Still it didn't worked. 

Please let me know if i am missing something.



Date Votes
  • Official comment

    Hi Wyatt Boleky
         Apologize for the delay, We did an analysis on both the issues you were facing, and here is our finding to your questions.

    1. Date issue: As per your CSV input the Date is 7/28/2023, in mapping settings I think you were trying to set the mapping as MM/DD/YYYY. but it should be M/DD/YYYY please update manually it should work. date format settings should update based on the export date format and timezone. then it will work as expected. if you feel it's not working still please let us know the SuiteApp version and NS Account ID. we did fix the date specific in the last release.

    you can add manually M/DD/YYYY, as M/DD/YYYY is not available in the dropdown like below settings.

    2. Custom Recurrence Pattern: Units (internalid),: we understood that we need to use r.setCurrentSublistValue as internalids as alphabetic, will look into it and will try to fix it in an upcoming release.

    workaround: you can use based on the below mappings. looks like you were using the name "CUSTOM", change it to "(Custom)", it should work



  • Wyatt Boleky instead of using handlebar expressions here, can you try using the date format settings on the individual field mapping?

  • Thanks Tyler Lamparter for responding on this query.

    2 key issues with respect to NetSuite Billing Schedule (with Custom frequency) import flow.

    1. Recurrence date issue. - I tried to use Date format matching with NetSuite Date format in the formating window as given above but it didn't worked. 

    So for testing purpose I reviewed my NetSuite script which generates billing scheudle via Map/Reduce script and added the date format as "2023-07-28T07:00:00.000Z" in CSV file, but still facing same issue.

    2. Reccurance Units - Even if we use "CUSTOM" as a InternalId, Celigo generates NS code as r.setCurrentSublistText, it should generate r.setCurrentSublistValue.



  • Wyatt Boleky what was the issue when you used the date format window? What error did you get?


    As for the recurrence mapping, is "CUSTOM" the internal id? That looks more like the name of the recurrence pattern since normally the internal id is a number (though I have seen some weird NetSuite tables where that isn't the case). What if you map to Custom Recurrence Pattern : Units (Name) instead? Or you can keep as internal id, click the settings wheel, then it should have a drop down list to select what is available.

  • When I used Date formatting it was not generating sublist in the output window.

    If we use Custom Recurrance Pattern: Units (Name) it generates r.setCurrentSublistText and which again fails. Tried to use default value as appliable from the setting wheel but it still generates ....SublistText only.

    I guess Celigo need to try and fix this.


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