Combine all source records as a file to export
Here is what I want to achieve, and the question is in point 3.
- Export a set of records from a source (I am good here)
- Process the record one by one and export it to some destination (I am good here too)
- Combine all source records as content of a file and send it to some destination (This is what I am trying to figure out. How?)
Vreddhi Bhat what is the destination? If the destination is a file provider like FTP, S3, Google Drive, etc then it will by default aggregate each unique source to a file. If the destination is not a file provider, then you can batch requests on a per page basis, but only file providers have the buffering ability.
Tyler Lamparter
The destination would be netsuite. And the source would be a generic HTTPS endpoint which accepts a POST request and responds with semicolon separated csv file content.
So are you trying to group the records together that are coming from your initial POST call to your source so that only 1 record in NetSuite get created? Maybe you can elaborate some more.
Yes Tyler Lamparter That is exactly my requirement.
Vreddhi Bhat have you tried the group by functionality?
Looks like either I am on a different version, or the REST type of export does not expose this group option!!
Vreddhi Bhat can you screenshot your flow? Are you using generic REST type? You should migrate to generic HTTP which has all the functionality of REST and more. REST has been deprecated to some extent so I'm wondering where/how you made this.
Its indeed the HTTP(S):
Vreddhi Bhat it looks like for CSV type responses, you need to specify the group within the parser rules here:
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