Update step back to NetSuite says input data is null
I have a flow that sends invoices to NetSuite from Salesforce using the payment record in salesforce to trigger the flow and provide the data. The invoices load successfully to NetSuite. Then I have a step that is intended to update a flag on the Salesforce payment record to indicate it has been sent to NetSuite. The data appears on the input section of the screen, but when I preview, it says the key I provided is null.
Any idea why I can see the data on input, but it says it's null when I try to use it? Screen Prints below:
The reason that you are getting null back because IO can not evaluate the expression that is in the "Hoiw can we find existing records" field and hence when it tries to do the lookup it is not returning any value.
Couple of observations that I have made that may help get this to work
1) you will need to remove the [*] as that field will not iterate over an array as it is meant to be an explicit 1:1 mapping. If that field is in an array you can set the index by using [npe01_OppPayment__r.0.]Full_Payment_ID__c
2) I don't think you need the [ ] around [npe01_OppPayment__r.0.] since in handlebars the [ ] are used to "Use square brackets to reference field names or values that contain spaces. " and it does not look like you have spaces in that name
3) You shouldn't need the string function
Try using this mapping to find existing records
Full_Payment_ID__c = npe01__OppPayment__r.0.Full_Payment_ID__c
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When I set up the 'how can we find existing records', I am not allowed to key in the data name. I can only choose it from the dropdown list of fields, which is where the field name in my screen shot came from. How do I alter what field it should use?
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You can change the input type of that field to value by selecting the settings icon next to that line and selecting "value".
Then you can manually type whatever you need in there
please try that and see if it will resolve your error
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I do not have the settings icon on that screen.
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I did find the settings icon, and I input what you suggested. Here is the error I got:
npe01__OppPayment__c where ( Id = npe01__OppPayment__r.0.Full_Payment_ID__c
ERROR at Row:1:Column:49
Bind variables only allowed in Apex code0 -
Try to provide expression as {{{id npe01__OppPayment__r.0.Full_Payment_ID__c}}}.
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