Failed to process shipment for Order# 10-10176-90004 due to following error from eBay : Shipment tracking number addition failed due to a system error.
This is an error occuring when Item Fulfillment is syncing from the NetSuite to eBay.
Import mapping is like
Here two item fulfillment have the same eTail Order Id, Does this cause any error?
But the Tracking numbers are different for both.
Error details( HTTP Response)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CompleteSaleResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"><Timestamp>2023-08-30T13:40:11.136Z</Timestamp><Ack>Failure</Ack><Errors><ShortMessage>Shipment tracking number addition failed.</ShortMessage><LongMessage>Shipment tracking number addition failed due to a system error.</LongMessage><ErrorCode>2191113</ErrorCode><SeverityCode>Error</SeverityCode><ErrorClassification>RequestError</ErrorClassification></Errors><Version>1323</Version><Build>E1289_CORE_APIXO_19220561_R1</Build></CompleteSaleResponse>
Hello Rosemol Joe Alappat
This is Khaisar from Engineering Team, Celigo. Please allow me to answer your query.
I tried finding the details related to the error, and this seems and error from eBay and issue is at eBay systems. One of the resolution eBay provided is to retry the request once again after sometime.
May you please retry the error once and provide the feedback. Please us know if you still face the same error.Thanks,
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