getListObjectsConcrete should return an array of objects
This is a new error for me. I'm receiving the error:
getListObjectsConcrete should return an array of objects
This is on a flow that is under active development, so I can't say for certain that it started after the update Yesterday, but I do suspect it did. I could be wrong though.
I've gone over the mappings and the data and I can't find anything wrong. I debugged the connection and things look correct, though I'm not sure I'd catch an issue there unless it was pretty obvious. Below is the debug for the Import that is throwing the error.
"method": "POST",
"uri": "",
"qs": {
"script": "customscript_celigo_io_restlet_runner",
"deploy": "customdeploy_celigo_io_restlet_runner"
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "********"
"json": {
"flowId": "000000000000326ab35b324a",
"_importId": "000000000000326ab35b324a",
"settings": {
"import": {}
"import_da": null,
"_connectionId": "000000000000b765f1c806ce",
"_flowId": "000000000000326ab35b317f",
"_integrationId": "0000000000008569b055487a",
"debugMode": true,
"import": {
"internalIdLookup": {
"expression": "[\"internalidnumber\",\"equalto\",\"{{{id}}}\"]"
"mapping": {
"fields": [{
"generate": "internalid",
"lookupName": "idLookup-update-id-1695961931911"
"lists": [{
"generate": "item",
"fields": [{
"generate": "custcol_overfulfilled_adjustment",
"extract": "_PARENT.adjustmentIID",
"internalId": true
}, {
"generate": "line",
"extract": "*.line_id",
"isKey": true,
"discardIfEmpty": false,
"immutable": false,
"internalId": false
}, {
"generate": "_keys",
"hardCodedValue": ["line"]
"lookups": [{
"name": "idLookup-update-id-1695961931911",
"recordType": "itemfulfillment",
"resultField": "internalid",
"allowFailures": false,
"expression": "[\"internalidnumber\",\"equalto\",\"{{{id}}}\"]",
"_isOperationalMapping": true,
"_importOperation": "update"
"restletVersion": "suiteapp2.0",
"operation": "update",
"recordType": "itemfulfillment",
"lookups": [{
"name": "idLookup-update-id-1695961931911",
"recordType": "itemfulfillment",
"resultField": "internalid",
"allowFailures": false,
"expression": "[\"internalidnumber\",\"equalto\",\"{{{id}}}\"]",
"_isOperationalMapping": true,
"_importOperation": "update"
"ignoreExisting": false,
"ignoreMissing": false
"captureReqAndResData": true,
"data": [null],
"preMapData": [{
"id": "28038",
"recordType": "itemfulfillment",
"item": "X",
"item_iid": "892",
"line_id": "3",
"qty_overfilled": "22",
"*": " ",
"_PARENT": {
"subsidiary_iid": "23",
"lines": [{
"subsidiary": "X",
"subsidiary_iid": "23",
"location": "X",
"location_iid": "225",
"item": "X",
"item_iid": "892",
"qty_overfilled": "22"
"adjustmentIID": 289062
"operationalLookups": [null],
"errors": [
"code": "mapping_error",
"message": "getListObjectsConcrete should return an array of objects",
"source": "connector",
"resolved": false,
"occurredAt": 1695961931918
"maxResponseBytes": 10485760,
"timeout": 900000
I'm stumped, not sure where to go with this. I opened a ticket with support (#197266) but still thought I'd ask here as there is urgency on this project.
Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.
Steve Klett can you try SS 1.0?
Tyler Lamparter Good call - SS 1.0 worked perfect. Same exact setup, SuiteApp has the error, SS 1.0 works.
I'm unblocked, thanks for the suggestion. I'm happy to get on a zoom if anyone from your side wants to take a look.
Steve Klett can you upload your flow zips to the ticket you made?
Tyler Lamparter Done
Hi Steve Klett
Thanks for sharing the logs, Based on the logs here is my observation.
In Mappings looks like it was added *.line_id, instead of line_id, better remove mapping save it, and add again line_id mapping, it will work. because of *. and it's not export group rows we are not able to fetch results from the list.
looks like maybe you used group rows on export and removed it. that's the reason *.line_id got added.
Hi Muneswara Thotakura,
I think you are onto something. I don't recall if I turned on group rows, but I may have. I downloaded the zip of the integration and can see in the mappings for the import that there is a * in from of line_id. The problem is that the UI isn't showing it in the Rules editor. Simply deleting the Rule line and re-creating seems to resolve the issue. I'd say at most, this is a UI bug. I just completed a zoom session with Mark on the ticket and he has all the details. I appreciate your reply.
Steve Klett thanks for providing an update and closure here. Appreciate it.
Tyler Lamparter How do I switch to SS 1.0?
Marshall Taylor Once the import is created using a specific SuiteScript version, there is no way to switch the same to another because of the complexity involved. Instead, you will need to create a new import with different SuiteScript version and replace the old import.
To help you with exact solution, would you mind sharing the issue you're seeing?
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