Can we disable 'AI' error management?

We've got an integration running that should never automatically retry errors, is this possible? 

The integration uploads a change-set that replaces all data in the target system. If in one of the lookups a connection error occurs, will skip that record and retry it an hour later. That sends a new change-set containing only that errored record to the target system, thus deleting the records that went ok the first run.




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  • Hi Bas van Ditzhuijzen,
    You can disable "Auto-resolve errors with matching trace key" to not auto-retry the errors. The field is available in Flow settings. 

  • Just to get it clear, that option says 'Auto-resolve', the feature where during a run old 'hard' errors are cleared, but it also applies to 'Auto-retry', where retries intermittent connection errors in the background? Because in my mind those are very different things. 

  • Yes. In fact, 'Auto-resolve' features takes care of 3 things (link): clearing up duplicate previous run errors, auto-retrying and auto-detecting a connection when it's back online. When it's set to 'No', will not do the above 3 things.


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