Response Mapping Question
I believe what I am looking for is a response map (but I'm confused on how to do it), but maybe there is a better way to do this and would welcome advice and recommendations.
My situation is that I am importing a new record (think a whole "patient" including First Name, Last Name, DOB, SSN, etc.) into Salesforce, and at that time a unique ID will be created/assigned to that patient. I need to pull that unique ID back out once the import completes to be used later in the flow. I believe this requires response mapping after the import, but I'm confused on how to pull the unique ID back out that was assigned to the patient when they were imported.
Thanks again for all the help this community offers!
Whats the best way to pull this unique ID back out into the flow after its assigned to the patient on the Salesforce import step?
Hi Dave, you are right that response mapping is what you will need to get that internal ID out. After an additional step is added beyond the record creation step (patient creation in your case), on the record creation step you can hit the plus and the it will show the response mapping bubble(highlighted in screenshot). This wont appear until there is a step created after the step in which you create the record and its ID.
In the response mapping bubble you can map the ID to a new field, I usually call it r_ID so I know that its my response mapped ID rather than the record ID from the import step at the start of the flow. You can see how I mapped my response in the screenshot.
Here is a help center article that goes into more detail.
Thanks Nate. As always, I greatly appreciate your help on this.
I think my confusion is that I thought the "id" (1234567890) was supposed to be the value of the unique record (i.e. patient) being created in the import. In our case, our unique ID's look something like 'a000678b23' so I was expecting that (or iteration of that) to be the value returned for the response map. Is the id static always at 1234567890?
Totally understand the confusion. That '1234567890' id you are seeing is just a preview of the data structure since the id will be dynamic based on the record creation. That preview id is just to assist you building the response mapping. Once you have created that response mapping, when the flow runs it will fill in with the actual ID such as the salesforce unique 15 or 16 digit unique ID or the NetSuite internal id.
If you want to test if the ID response mapping is actually setup correctly and filling in the unique ID a quick trick is to create a step that you know will fail right after the response mapping like a NetSuite record creation with no mappings for example and then look at the retry data. You can see if the response mapping field you setup is in that data and that it matches to the internal ID of a created record.
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