Request: Allow me to hide all LLM/"AI" features from the UI
I may be all alone in this, but I suspect there *may* be others like me that really are put off by LLM/"AI" - the whole topic, I'm very bothered by it. Probably it's some suppressed deep fear that my career will be destroyed, I don't don't for sure, but I just really am bothered by it. Not just Celigo, anywhere I see it added to a tool I use I'm slightly triggered. LOL, I'm serious!
My request is that you consider if there are other users like me, maybe conduct a poll or ask around. If there are, please consider making a profile preference to hide or disable these features. Then when I'm using, which I love, I won't be muttering to myself about Skynet...
Hello Steve,
We totally understand every user/ person has their own level of comfort with AI in their daily tasks. At Celigo, believe AI is more like an assistant to your flow-building journey for instance, in writing handlebars expression
There is more to come in the next releases to help build flows faster. I would love to hear your feedback in the near future and maybe change your perspective on the process. Stay tuned!
You could disable the AI chatbot in the profile. I am unable to paste a screenshot, not sure why, but see the help article here.
Hi Amanjot Singh,
I appreciate your reply and tip about disabling the feature, which I have done. Maybe you know I try to give feedback and help IIO be the best it can be, but I wouldn't count on too much from me on the AI stuff! :)
The AI assistant has also broken the layout preferences. If it is turned on the layout always defaults to the 'three narrow bands' layout.
There's a bug where my account setting to NOT show the AI features is being reset to true. I've cleared it twice this week. Salt in the wound.
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