HubSpot Export Error
I am trying to export out of HubSpot using the "Recent Engagements" API and consistently receiving the same error. I have set the UNIX timestamp to today (1700460000) to try to limit the data but still receive the same error indicating that too many records are being pulled. Theoretically, I only need "MEETINGS" and have set an output filter as such, but the issue is that before I get to this step the export is trying to pull all engagements (i.e. tasks, calls, emails, meetings, etc.). Is there a way to limit this down to just pull meetings and thus hopefully a lot less records on the export?
Hey Dave Guderian, I see Hubspot recently updated their Engagements API to v3. Our Hubspot connector does not have this update yet but you can switch the Form Views on the export to use REST API. Hubspot now has a /meetings endpoint which would limit the data coming in. Hopefully that gets you to what you need. I will also request to have our Hubspot connector updated to show the updated APIs via the drop down!
Thanks Kevin. This does help, and thanks for requesting the V3 Engagement API.
So, using the meeting endpoint you referenced above works great, but the issue is that the payload is pretty limited (as would be expected). I added a lookup step after the initial export to try to pull the "meeting details" for each meeting ID but am having issues finding the right handlebar to pull more than one meeting at a time.
Do you know what API call and/or handlebar syntax I could use for this?
Screenshot showing results from initial export
Screenshot showing that I can return the details for one meeting just fine:
Screenshot showing trying to change the handlebar to return meeting details based on whatever id is passed in, but cant figure it out:
Hi Dave Guderian,
Have you tried using the new Celigo AI component to create the handlebars syntax? It's really easy to use!
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