Best Practices for Organizing Integrations

Just curious how others go about organizing their integrations. My original thought was to have both the source and destination in the "title" of the integration, but I am beginning to rethink that as it will create a lot of integration tiles/long list. I am now thinking maybe to just denote the source system in the title but the downside to this is that if you have more than one source system it could be hard to organize. Any ideas for best practices or organization would be very helpful!



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  • I did a video on this topic (here) covering how we do it at Celigo, where data security is the main driver for how we organize users and integrations together. Hope this helps!



  • Thanks Scott. I watched the video yesterday and think this is a great model (especially as we scale and more users will need to be added to Celigo). This model seems like it would hold up nicely and not need to be reworked too often as we would be able to "silo" users to the integrations/flows that they would need without giving them access to others they shouldn't.

    Thanks so much for the help!


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