Create "NetSuite Project Templates" from Billing Schedule Stored in Salesforce

My company's customers are billed on a milestone basis. Each sale at our company is considered a project. From the date of sale to project completion, projects pass through 9 standard milestones to denote progress throughout the project. The % of the total contract that will be billed at each milestone is determined by the sales team, there are currently 25 unique combinations of different milestones and % to bill at each milestone that the sales team can assign to a deal, called "Billing_Schedule__c", which are assigned to the project upon order creation. The Billing_Schedule__c object contains the following info:

  • Milestone Name 1
  • Milestone 1 % of Total to Bill
  • Milestone Name 2
  • Milestone 2 % of Total to Bill

...and so on. In NetSuite, to assign a billing schedule to a project that is billed based on milestones, the project must be created with a "Project Template" selected, where the project template has a defined "Fixed Bid, Milestone" Billing Schedule.

It should be easy enough to Export these Billing Milestone records from Salesforce as a Project Template in NetSuite, but it doesn't seem like that's possible... Our Celigo Integrator NetSuite user has full permissions to Lists --> Project Templates and Setup --> Project / Project Template Conversion, but Project Templates still does not appear to be something that Celigo can create/manipulate.

I'm hoping someone out there can either prove me wrong on this, or help me find a clever solution to this issue using Celigo's existing capabilities. My current solution is to manually set up all Project Templates through the UI (because of course NetSuite doesn't seem to allow a csv import to create project templates, either), then assign the Billing_Schedule__c unique ID from Salesforce as the Project Template's External ID, so that during the project creation flow, I can map Project__r.Billing_Schedule__c to the "Project Template" by looking up the Project Template's External ID.

We regularly deprecate schedules and define new ones, so handling setup manually each time is not a good solution me.




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