Element not showing
I'm mapping a 945 to be converted into an 856. So I'm trying to reorganize what I'm getting from the 945 into the structure I'll need for the 856 HL segments. However, what I've mapped isn't showing up in the output and I don't know why. If I change the TD5 from an object to an object array nothing shows, but if I keep TD5 as an object then values that aren't hardcoded don't show up in the output.
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
"945": [
"1020": [
"ReportingCode": "F",
"DepositorOrderNumber": "51363404",
"Date": "20090313",
"ShipmentID": "711239",
"AgentShipmentID": "",
"PONumber": "263404"
"1040": [
"OrganizationIDCode": "WH",
"name": "Piedmont Distribution"
"OrganizationIDCode": "DE",
"OrganizationIDCode": "ST",
"name": "MDI",
"IDType": "91",
"EntityCode": "MDI5002860"
"1060": [
"Address1": "5005 ALEX LEE BLVD"
"1070": [
"City": "HICKORY",
"State": "NC",
"Zip": "28601"
"1110": [
"Qualifer": "02",
"Date": "20090313"
"Qualifer": "10",
"Date": "20090313"
"Qualifer": "52",
"Date": "20090310"
"Qualifer": "11",
"Date": "20090313"
"1130": [
"TransportationMethod": "H",
"SCAC": "CPU",
"Routing": "CUSTOMER PICK-UP",
"MethodofPayment": "CC"
"1140": [],
"SET": "945",
"ROUTE": "PET01",
"COMPANY": "W1",
"LineItems": [
"AssignedNumber": "000001",
"Qualifier": "UC",
"MaN Value": "10021100013117",
"OrderStatus": "CC",
"OrderedQuantity": "280",
"ShippedQuantity": "280",
"QuantityDifference": "0",
"UOM": "CA",
"UPC": "",
"ItemQualifier": "VN",
"Item": "021100013158"
"AssignedNumber": "000002",
"Qualifier": "UC",
"MaN Value": "20021100015118",
"OrderStatus": "CC",
"OrderedQuantity": "224",
"ShippedQuantity": "224",
"QuantityDifference": "0",
"UOM": "CA",
"UPC": "",
"ItemQualifier": "VN",
"Item": "021100015145"
"AssignedNumber": "000003",
"Qualifier": "UC",
"MaN Value": "10021100015012",
"OrderStatus": "CC",
"OrderedQuantity": "56",
"ShippedQuantity": "56",
"QuantityDifference": "0",
"UOM": "CA",
"UPC": "",
"ItemQualifier": "VN",
"Item": "021100015053"
"Number of Units Shipped": "560",
"TotalWeight": "5768.0",
"UnitOfMeasurementCode": "LB"
Jack Harris this looks like a bug, but I'll confirm internally. If you remove the 945 from the mapping, then it works. So try "$.1130[*].TransportationMethod" instead of "$.945.1130[*].TransportationMethod".
Jack Harris we confirmed this is a bug. Thanks for bring it to our attention and it should get resolved in one of our upcoming releases.
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