Support for Refunds of Item Groups

Hi - Is there a plan to add support for Item Groups in the Shopify to NetSuite Refund flow? If not, is there a template or something I can leverage to make a custom flow?  

This note is from the help... 

  • Currently, the app doesn't support refunds for orders that have Item Group type items. Therefore, even if the refund is a cash refund or cart-level refund, as long as there's an item group on it, the refund will not push through since it is not yet supported.


1 comment
Date Votes
  • Hi David,

    Thank you for reaching out with your request.

    As of now, we do not have a set timeline for implementing refunds for item groups. However, I have recorded your suggestion as an insight in our feature backlog tracker. Your input is invaluable and will be considered as we prioritize future updates.



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