SOQL Query Invalid Field Id in SalesForce Lookup

We have a custom record that groups multiple sales orders based on certain criteria in Sales Force. I am integrating the Sales Order Items from the Custom record to a Sales Order Record in NetSuite. I am trying to get the Sales Order Item list in this custom record through a lookup. It is a real time sync. 

The SOQL is SELECT Name FROM Sales_Order_Item__c WHERE Grouped_Sales_Orders__c = '{{record.Record_ID__c}}' , where the Record_ID__c should be the value of the currently triggered Record Id. When I preview this i get the error,

When I preview this i get the error,

But when i hardcode the value of the same field(Record ID), the query works. What might the issue be?




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  • Hey Aishwarya, 

    It is because the Mock data has the value of {{record.Record_ID__c}} as "Record_ID__c" . 

    You can modify the mock data and update the real-time value there; if you click preview, you'll see the right output.

    Let me know if that helps. 



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