Getting Error: sss_invalid_api_usage in Netsuite when creating Deposit
Hi Everyone, this is the mapping and the request attached but I get the following error:
"message": "Invalid API usage. You must use getSublistValue to return the value set with setSublistValue. "
What's that about?
importing record {"index":0,"retryCount":0}
{"nlobjRecordType":"deposit","nlobjFieldIds":{"trandate":"13/04/2024","account":"153.39 BANCHE : KLARNA","subsidiary":2,"exchangerate":"1.00","customform":146},"nlobjSublistIds":{"payment":[{"docnumber":"CO2404949","transactionamount":"179.62"}]}}
nlapi calls registered for $R:
r = NRecord.create({"type":"deposit","defaultValues":{"customform":146}});
r.setText({"fieldId":"account","text":"153.39 BANCHE : KLARNA"});
Can you try using dynamic mode?
Hi Tyler, Thank you for your answer. So I did, refer to the screenshot below. With the request. This is the error I get now
Failed to create, update/transform record because You have attempted an invalid sublist or line item operation. You are either trying to access a field on a non-existent line or you are trying to add or remove lines from a static sublist. Tip: Please make sure that all the line items that you're trying to use exist on the record.
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