Zoom Phone Scope Issue

Hey All!

I am working on an integration to connect Google Sheets to Zoom to do a mass upload of phone numbers we would like to block. 

First, phone isn't supported by the native integration, so I am using HTTP to post. 


Payload all looks good on my end, I have the correct scope assigned in Zoom, but I get this error when attempting the post -

    "source": "application",
    "code": 400,
    "message": "{\"code\":104,\"message\":\"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[phone:write:blocked_list:admin].\"}",
    "resolved": false,
    "occurredAt": 1715805476430,
    "classification": "connection"





Date Votes
  • I recently built a flow for Zoom, and whenever I got similar scope errors, I had to go into Zoom's admin center and update the scopes accordingly.

    1. Go here. https://marketplace.zoom.us/user/build
    2. Then look for your app.
    3. Then click 'Scopes' link.
    4. Then 'Add Scopes'.
    5. Etc...


  • Forgot to mention, I've got it added on my end! Still no luck!


  • Anytime you change scopes in Zoom's admin backend, you need to edit the connection resource in Celigo again, and click on the 'Save & authorize' button. And then when you go back through the oauth2 consent forms, you should see the new scopes you added. Can you confirm if this was done, and did you see the new scopes?


  • LEGEND! I updated the token for good measuere, good to go!







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